
Latvian HackMotion wins the Baltic E-commerce Award / Article

HackMotion sells proprietary hardware and software that helps analyze and improve your golf swing and is used by over 10,000 golfers and coaches worldwide.

The gold, silver and bronze winners in four categories were announced, sharing a prize pool of over €20,000.

“This year’s E-commerce Awards Festival was an extraordinary event with over 100 e-commerce platforms from all the Baltic countries taking part. We have seen that these top platforms know how to use the right tools, create high-quality content and create effective website designs,” said Arnis Jekabsons, chairman of the jury and managing director at “Element Digital”.

“The competitive advantage of Baltic e-commerce is evident, and with a deeper focus on fine-tuning the details, these platforms are well-positioned to stand out on a global scale. We also have the potential to create amazing and innovative products, which helps us gain recognition on a global scale. While there is still room for growth, especially in integrating artificial intelligence and automation into our online stores, the enthusiasm and commitment to continuous improvement shown by this year’s participants is really encouraging,” Jekabsons said.

These were the first ever pan-Baltic E-commerce awards, and the organizers announce that the format will be repeated in 2025. More information about the project:

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