
With Starmer doubling down on Tory social policy, the situation is exactly the same – Scottish National Party

Scotland can expect more from Sir Keir Starmer and his Labor government.

Having consistently failed to challenge the Tory status quo, the Labor leader has reneged on all of his Labor leadership promises and the vast majority of promises made to the British public since being elected to replace Jeremy Corbyn in 2020.

The Labor leader confirmed in an appearance on BBC Radio 4 that a Labor government would maintain the cruel two-child limit and rape clause, maintain tuition fees and keep the House of Lords unelected, saying the party would have to “set its priorities straight”.

Ordinary Scots benefit from free education, and thanks to Scotland’s SNP government, many of Tory’s austerity policies have been relaxed in programs costing over £1 billion. The Scottish Government has made the difficult decision to devote much of its resources to easing Westminster’s worst social care reforms, which target people on low incomes and punish families who desperately deserve a government that will help them.

It seems that instead of being inspired by the achievements of the SNP, Sir Keir will continue Tory policies and hang the most vulnerable people out to dry.

If the new Labor leader’s priorities aren’t about rejecting the Tories’ cruel austerity policies, £9,250 tuition fees and an unelected House of Lords, then what exactly are they for? What is the point of a Labor Party abandoning working people? This covered every aspect of the Tory agenda?

They can’t even bring themselves to condemn the worst things about this rotten Tory government. Sir Keir could stand up and eviscerate Rwanda’s cruel, heartless plan – yet he chooses to argue about its affordability! Voters in Scotland deserve better than a Labor Party that has simply failed to rise to the occasion.

The reality is that Sir Keir Starmer’s Labor Party is not prioritizing any change and offering Scots nothing more than the same.

We have a broken Tory government that deserves to be thrown out of office, but it is clear that Sir Keir Starmer has no vision beyond the status quo.

If Starmer thinks that by wearing a red rosette instead of a blue one he can swing into Scotland this election without separating himself from the Tories in any significant way – he might think again.

Fortunately for Scots, however, there is an alternative to the Tories of the SNP, who will not only stand up for these values, but put their money where their mouth is – abolishing tuition fees in Scotland and committing over a billion pounds to support families affected by the worst of the Tories’ austerity policies.

For a party that will never waver in its opposition to the Tories, and for a voice that defends the values ​​and policies that Scots value, vote SNP on July 4.”