
Proposed safety regulations in meat processing

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is seeking feedback from the public and interested parties on a proposed solution Meat Processing Safety Regulations. Information received through public and stakeholder engagement conducted between December 2021 and February 2022 informed the development of the proposed regulations.

Establishing these regulations will help make it easier for NWT consumers to access locally produced meat and meat products from privately raised farm animals. These regulations set requirements for production, distribution and sale to ensure that meat and meat products are handled and prepared using safe methods.

Applications will be accepted until June 27, 2024.

The development of these regulations has also led to changes in the Food Establishment Safety Regulations and Disease Surveillance Regulations. In this regard, the GNWT also seeks public and stakeholder feedback on proposed changes to these regulations.

For media inquiries please contact:

Umesh Sutendra
A/Communication Manager
Department of Health and Human Services
Government of the Northwest Territories
[email protected]
(867) 767-9052 ext. 49036