
Florida Rolls Back on Renewable Energy Targets

Florida agencies are starting to roll back renewable energy goals after a new bill signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis repeals previously established clean energy goals, Jim Saunders reports for the News Service of Florida. “In recent years, utilities have dramatically expanded the construction of solar facilities as technology improves and costs decline. The House’s analysis of the new bill shows that renewable energy generated about 6% of the electricity used in the state in 2021; this number is expected to reach 28% by 2032.

“The bill (HB 1645) signed by DeSantis last week changes the state’s energy policy, including removing a portion of the law that directed the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to establish “goals and strategies to increase the use of renewable energy in this state.” As a result, the state Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Office of Energy issued a proposal waiving these goals.

The bill also removes references to greenhouse gas emissions, bans potential offshore wind energy, calls for “encouraging ‘cost-effective and affordable energy supplies,'” relaxes regulations on the construction of natural gas pipelines, and calls for exploring nuclear energy options.