
UAE announces new Hajj and Umrah laws, imposes fines up to Dh50,000

A significant event was the disclosure by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments in the United Arab Emirates of stringent regulations governing the process of organizing Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages.

New Rules for Hajj and Umrah

These regulations aim to strengthen supervision and ensure that pilgrimage services are provided in a transparent and regulated manner.

Under the new regulations, operators in the UAE are prohibited from accepting applications or requests to participate in Hajj or Umrah without obtaining prior approval from the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments. This solution aims to centralize power and streamline the process of organizing pilgrimages, thus minimizing the risk of unauthorized or fraudulent activities.

Imposing high fines for violations

In a bid to stop misconduct and misuse of pilgrimage services, authorities have announced significant penalties for violations. Individuals, campaign organizers and offices found guilty of violating the regulations could face fines of up to Dh50,000. This stringent enforcement underlines the seriousness with which UAE authorities take the regulation of pilgrimage activities.

Operators wishing to organize or advertise Hajj or Umrah tours are required to obtain express approvals from the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments. This prerequisite not only ensures compliance with regulatory standards, but also serves to safeguard the interests of pilgrims by vetting operators for credibility and competence.

In order to prevent unauthorized fundraising activities, the regulations expressly prohibit collecting or accepting donations for pilgrimage purposes without a valid permit. This provision aims to prevent exploitation and ensure that donations made for pilgrimage expenses are used appropriately and transparently.

Overall, the introduction of these new regulations represents a significant step forward in the regulation and supervision of pilgrimage activities in the UAE. By establishing clear guidelines, licensing procedures and penalties for violations, the authorities seek to promote accountability, transparency and the highest standards of service delivery in the organization of Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages.

At the heart of these regulations is a commitment to protect the interests and welfare of pilgrims embarking on the sacred journey of Hajj and Umrah. By enforcing strict supervision and imposing penalties for violations, the UAE aims to protect pilgrims from unscrupulous operators and ensure that their pilgrimage is conducted in a safe, dignified and respectful manner.

It is important to note that these regulations reflect the joint effort of the government, religious authorities and stakeholders involved in pilgrimage services. By working together to establish clear guidelines and standards, the UAE is demonstrating its commitment to maintaining the sanctity of the pilgrimage experience, while supporting accountability and professionalism in the industry. This collaborative approach ensures that regulations are implemented effectively and that the interests of all parties, including pilgrims, operators and regulators, are taken into account.