
Nearly $1 billion for floating offshore wind

The U.S. Departments of Energy (DOE), Interior, Commerce and Transportation have released a report summarizing their progress toward the goals of Floating Offshore Wind Shot, an interagency initiative designed to ensure U.S. leadership in design, deployment and production.

The report shows that since the initiative’s launch in September 2022, the Biden-Harris administration has committed more than $950 million in planning, leasing activities, research, development, demonstration, deployment and other activities to realize the full potential of this renewable energy source.

“The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to unlocking the enormous potential of floating offshore wind,” Jeff Marootian, principal deputy assistant secretary for energy efficiency and renewable energy, said in a statement announcing the new report. “It’s exciting to see this rapid progress fostering so many initiatives that support job growth, a stronger domestic supply chain, and more equitable, accessible and affordable clean energy across America.”

About two-thirds of the U.S. offshore wind potential is in waters that are deep enough to make floating offshore wind turbines more practical and cost-effective than fixed-bottom turbines. Expanded use of floating offshore wind will bring the benefits of clean energy to millions of Americans, create thousands of jobs and boost domestic manufacturing, interagency officials say.

The interagency Floating Offshore Wind Spot platform positions the United States as a leader in floating offshore wind and reduces the cost of floating offshore wind by more than 70% by 2035.

Floating Offshore Wind Shot is part of the DOE’s Energy Earthshots initiative, which drives breakthrough innovation in eight clean energy technology sectors critical to decarbonizing the U.S. energy system and solving the climate crisis.

“Floating Offshore Wind Shot: Progress and Priorities” documents more than 50 achievements since Floating Offshore Wind Shot’s inception. These include:

• First floating offshore wind lease auction in California and proposal for 10 new lease areas, two in Oregon and eight in the Gulf of Maine.

• A $426.7 million investment by the U.S. Department of Transportation in the first offshore wind terminal on the Pacific Coast.

• Expanded support for innovative floating turbine designs from DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency.

• Advances in planning to transmit energy from floating offshore wind projects to West Coast communities.

• Monitoring the presence of birds, bats and marine mammals in potential energy development areas.

The report also establishes a number of short-term priorities, developed in consultation with a range of stakeholders, that will accelerate progress towards the initiative’s overarching goals. These goals include cost reduction through technological innovation, supply chain development, wider implementation, transmission development and cogeneration opportunities to decarbonize the entire economy.

DOE also announced the five winners of the second phase of the FLoating Offshore Wind ReadINess Prize, a first-of-its-kind competition that motivates participants to solve the most pressing supply chain challenges in the floating offshore wind industry. Phase two winners were selected due to their progress in developing plans for mass production and implementation of floating offshore wind substructure designs. Teams will receive $450,000 in cash and $100,000 in technical support vouchers and advance to the final phase of the competition with prizes.

The winning teams are: Swim at HOME (Emeryville, CA); PelaStar (Seattle); Technip energies(Houston); TETRA TRIPLE (Boston); AND KOŁO-USA (Coral Gables, FL).

Offshore wind infrastructure occurs in harsh, isolated ocean environments that present unique challenges in operating and maintaining turbines and systems. DOE has released an action plan assessing current practices and future challenges associated with operating and maintaining U.S. offshore wind farms. The roadmap also includes detailed recommendations on technological innovations that could help meet the industry’s needs.

Last month, DOE announced its intention to commit $20 million to projects that improve floating offshore wind systems through improvements and innovations in the design, manufacturing, implementation, and integrated testing of floating turbines/platforms. The funding opportunity will also provide $3.5 million to establish a floating offshore wind center of excellence.