
Study: 9 in 10 Hawaiians want more renewable energy

A recent study by the Ulupono Initiative found that nine in 10 Hawaii residents want more renewable energy in the state.

The organization surveyed 2,000 adults across the state about renewable energy and found that more than 90% supported its expansion.

The study also broke down support by type of renewable energy and island. More than half of participants support increased solar and wind energy production, although less than half want to develop geothermal energy or fossil fuels.

Michael Colón is Ulupono’s Energy Director. He said a better understanding of residents’ feelings will help guide the state’s efforts toward more renewable energy.

“If we don’t collectively decide on technology “What are you left with? This is an important conversation for us as energy planning becomes increasingly community-driven and community-based. We leverage communities in a much deeper way.”

Ulupono said its study may be the most comprehensive energy study of its kind in Hawaii.