
Argentina, El Salvador Learn about Bitcoin regulations

Argentine Securities Commission leaders Roberto E. Silva and Patricia Boedo met to discuss with CNAD leader in El Salvador Juan Carlos Reyes on Bitcoin regulations and its use. El Salvador became the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender in 2021.

Dr. Silva stated that El Salvador is actually one of the most advanced countries in adopting cryptocurrencies; he also recognized the president’s act in initiating CNAD. He emphasized Argentina’s interest in concluding a framework agreement for cooperation in order to benefit from El Salvador’s experience.

Juan Carlos Reyes also took part in the discussion, expressing his appreciation for Argentina’s participation in technology. He said,

“Argentina is a technology pioneer, and the National Securities Commission understands and wants to cooperate effectively with the industry and create appropriate regulations. We appreciate the approach of El Salvador’s National Digital Assets Commission, which is an innovative supervisory authority with experience in the digital assets industry, responsible for applying a robust regulatory framework on this issue.”

It’s interesting to see nations willing to collaborate and share their experiences to improve the crypto space

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