
Supporting the Medical Device Partner Program

Recognizing the significant and growing global demand for innovative health and medical products, the South Australian Government is investing a further $900,000 to support the continuation of the Medical Device Partnership Program (MDPP) at Flinders University.

An initiative of Flinders University’s Medical Devices Research Institute, MDPP aims to support collaboration between researchers, industry and end-users to develop health technologies where there is both identified clinical need and real market opportunity.

State Government funding – provided through the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and complemented by over $1.7 million from Flinders University, research and industry partners – will enable MDPP to retain a team of world-class medical device and technology experts and scale its operations globally influence.

Professor Karen Reynolds, director of the Medical Devices Research Institute, says the investment gives further impetus to the MDPP, “which has proven to be a success in rapidly developing medical products by providing resources, leveraging knowledge and encouraging collaboration between stakeholders in the innovation process. “

“This long-term partnership and continued support from the state government recognizes the value MDPP has delivered to the sector and the state over the last 15 years,” she said.

Professor Karen Reynolds, director of the Medical Devices Research Institute.

“It has been incredibly rewarding to see MDPP-developed products reach the market and deliver economic and health benefits to South Australia.”

Dr Susan Close MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, says the South Australian Government is pleased to support the Medical Devices Partnership Program in its mission to translate this expertise into products in high demand around the world .

“This is great news for customers who will benefit from these new and improved medical devices, and for the South Australian economy.”

“In the South Australia Advanced Manufacturing Strategy published last year, local manufacturing of medical devices – as well as medicines, vaccines and pharmaceuticals – was identified as a key economic opportunity for our state.”

Founded in 2008, MDPP supports companies with up to 250 hours of technical expertise, accelerating their research and development process and enabling participants to explore opportunities and solve technical problems.

Last year, Tonsley Innovation District-based MDPP celebrated 15 years of supporting health technology in South Australia, assessing over 850 projects, delivering over 200 workshops and 31,000 hours of technical expertise, as well as 127 projects completed with measurable research and development outcomes.

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