
Collect the wind at 750 meters with SkySails | News

A kite with an area of ​​240 square meters that “collects the wind” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – will it not collide with other airspace users? “German airspace is very busy. If we get to 750 meterswe become an obstacle,” Wrage noted. Conventional wind turbines are usually in between 150 and 200 meters On the height. Any operation at an altitude of less than one kilometer requires planning and must be coordinated with other planes in volume. But there’s still a long way to go. For now, SkySails is mainly focused on island regions such as Taiwan, the Philippines, French Polynesia and Mauritius, where the company launched the system last year. “The experience gained from real operations is immediately used in further development,” Wrage emphasized. Currently, the SkySails onboard wind turbine generates 400 megawatt hours per year. “Depending on the region, we can supply from 200 to 400 households. Our target is double this result by improving the control system and the kite.”