
The launch of the Connected Wight portal, which aims to unite different sectors of the Isle of Wight online

Guests from industry, business, technology, education, agriculture, creative sectors, environment, hospitality and wellbeing gathered in Building 41 earlier this month to celebrate the launch of the first phase of the Isle of Wight’s own shared online portal.

Built on a vision that began during Covid and made accessible to a wide range of local opinion makers, Connected Wight is an independent, collaborative online portal like no other, developed in response to the needs expressed during these consultation sessions.

The center of nine carefully connected sectors
The portal is standalone – it does not compete or collide with any other Isle of Wight websites and becomes the hub of nine carefully connected sectors that proudly showcase and represent our island… it is their celebration.

It reminds the islanders where they live and what they have enough of. And for those who want to live, work, invest and develop here, it shines a light on life, culture, creativity, innovation and talent in a beautiful, inspiring UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

Highlighting local achievements
Content focuses on highlighting local achievements in all aspects of island life.

Connected Wight has access to world-class writers and written and visual content that brings this wonderful place to life for all, while unlocking the social and economic potential of this extraordinary piece of geography.

Edwards: They are driven by people and place, not profit
Connected Wight’s vision is led by co-founders Barnaby Edwards, Brian Marriott, Simon Dover and Stephen Izatt.

Barnaby, managing director of the garlic farm, said:

“The portal is the ambition of CIC’s ‘Island Identity’, which is driven by people and place, not profit. The reach of this not-for-profit community company complements the awareness driven by our strong tourism, export and environmental sectors, building further collaboration between all that the island has to offer. The portal and associated communication platforms are operated and maintained by a dedicated group of volunteers, local brands with a presence on the continent and a growing group of people who have seen and are taking advantage of the opportunities the island has to offer.”

Izatt: a powerful tool for connecting people who can make a positive impact
Stephen, director of Venturesouth and Filmwight, says:

“For those interested in investing in projects on the island, those looking to set up a business or move here to work, there has been no place that gives a complete picture of the Isle of Wight as we love it.

“Now it exists and is a powerful tool to connect with people who can make a positive impact on our place, economy and community.”

Dover: ConnectedWight tries to capture this slightly unusual world
Simon Dover, owner of a creative consultancy and born on the island, also said,

“I have worked off the island for most of my career. When I joined this project, I was amazed by the collective will to create something that showed the island from every perspective – to break down traditional ideas about what the Isle of Wight is. Honestly, views that I may have been guilty of.

“There is pride, passion and innovation everywhere. Often from the most surprising places – ConnectedWight tries to capture this slightly unusual world.

Marriott: Something that will benefit us all
Brian, a local artist and designer, said:

“We provided investment to sponsors in Phase One, which we are extremely grateful for, as it has enabled us to bring this tremendous partnership to life.

“The biggest opportunity before us is an agreement among so many stakeholders that a single coherent, well-thought-out, navigable online platform will establish positive content collaboration across all sectors and benefit us all – regardless of our goals commercial, social or environmental interests.”

Get involved
If you are interested in connecting with ConnectedWight, please email “(email protected)‘ in what sector you can help develop.

Additionally, they’d love to talk to you if you have a positive story to tell or would like to support, donate or provide sponsorship.

Please follow/like them on LinkedIn and Instagram.

ConnectedWight would like to thank our inaugural sponsors

  • Garlic farm
  • IW Council
  • Head south
  • WRS
  • IFPL

We are supporters of CONNECTED WIGHT.

News shared by Brian on behalf of Connected Wight. ed