
Prime Minister warns against strike on Budget Day – Te Ao Māori News

Organizers of Thursday’s Toitū Te Tiriti protest are calling on people to “go on strike” in support of nationwide protests planned for Budget Day.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, however, is warning protesters against striking and taking a full day off from work, saying it would be a violation of labor law.

“That would be illegal,” he said.

“I think it’s bad. I think that’s completely wrong. I think don’t hesitate to protest – it’s probably a weekend sport now.”

Toitū Te Tiriti, affiliated with Te Pāti Māori, organized protests to coincide with Budget Day.

In an online post, organizers said the protest was intended to show unity and “the power of Māori and tangata tiriti cooperation.” The post said the government’s policy constituted “an attack on tangata Whenua and Te Tiriti o Waitangi”.

In a “call to action”, she stated that Māori and Tangata Tiriti supporters should “launch a day strike to prove the strength of our economy by completely disassociating from it”.

Labor MP Peeni Henare said it was not surprising to see this organized activism against the government, given the months of hui and discussions with the government about concerns.

He said it was up to everyone whether they decided to go on strike.

“Listen, when this happened, a lot of people came out to support the protests on the coast and on the seabed. “I’ve never heard of anyone losing their job,” he said.