
Features, advantages and disadvantages – Forbes advisor

ActivTrak vs. Teramind

Compared to Teramind, ActivTrak has limited ability to track employee time. For example, although it automatically tracks time, there is no online kiosk or task-based time scheduling option to track project costs. For this type of opportunity, consider Teramind, which offers:

  • Several registration and deregistration options such as online kiosk and automatic tracking
  • Ability to schedule task changes so you know exactly what employees are working on and for how long
  • Ability to track time by project
  • Ability to link time tracking to payroll to better track and therefore manage labor costs
  • Ability to generate employee timesheets

ActivTrak vs. Controlio

Controlio offers more advanced features than ActivTrak for managing distributed employees. For example, it enables companies to:

  • Let your distributed team members easily download and install Controlio using shared links
  • Check which distributed employees are online and compare their online presence with their work schedules
  • Keep track of remote workers’ window titles to ensure tasks are completed as planned
  • Monitor the engagement levels of your distributed employees with easy-to-read bar charts
  • Get a complete view of completed work across distributed teams
  • Register employees entering and leaving the platform
  • Manage remote employees’ access to websites and applications on company devices and adjust these settings based on responsibilities and work schedules
  • Create and manage multiple team structures based on their location
  • Remotely comply with GDPR and HIPAA regulations

ActivTrak vs. InterGuard

While ActivTrak offers some remote employee management tools, such as Zoom integration and reports on remote versus in-office performance, InterGuard goes a little further by offering a comprehensive solution for managing remote employees and protecting your company’s data just like you do.

For example, it offers:

  • Cloud-based control over your employees’ corporate device, even if they work remotely
  • Ability to interact and take full control of a remote device in the event of a theft or data breach, including file recovery tools, locating a lost or stolen device, or locking a laptop if necessary
  • Possibility to select applications or programs that can be accessed from a company device, also for remote employees

Organize something

Setting up ActivTrak involves a series of steps, many of which include directions. Here are the typical steps every account holder should take:

  1. Download ActivTrak.
  2. Go through the setup process according to the instructions.

ActivTrak Guided Setup

3. You will land on the ActivTrak Active Agent website. Access the shared links on this page to download the app to employee devices.

Installation links for ActivTrak

4. When adding new users, identify them based on their role. You can choose from Administrator, Configurator, Power User and Browser. These roles determine their level of access to platform dashboards and settings.

5. As new users install the app and are added to your account, change the visible name of each computer and user to the appropriate aliases.

6. Organize users by groups (i.e. by company departments) to determine what data they can access.

7. While ActivTrak automatically categorizes commonly used websites as productive or unproductive, monitor these selections and override them if the classifications do not meet your company’s needs or realities.

8. Specify the hours your employees should work to avoid collecting data on their personal time.

9. Set alarms to send notifications based on user activities, if necessary. You can choose from pre-configured alarms or create your own.

Ease of use

Although we tried multiple times to download this software and use the free trial, we were unable to do so as the installation failed repeatedly. When we contacted customer service, we received no helpful responses.

However, users who reviewed the product on Capterra reported an overall rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars for the ease of use of ActivTrak. While many people found the platform easy to use and install, many others had difficulty downloading the software and reported a small initial learning curve. Many people have also reported difficulty getting help from ActivTrak customer service.