
LG&E and ALK issue Request for Proposal for the purchase of sources of supply – Attorney-Messenger

LG&E and ALK issue Requests for Proposals to purchase sources of supply

Posted at 15:00 on Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company announced that the company is issuing a request for proposals (RFP) for new solar, wind and hydropower provider projects expected to begin in 2026.

Parties interested in participating in the RFP can submit applications until June 21, and LG&E and KU currently expect evaluations to be completed by October 31.

The company is exploring options that will further diversify LG&E and KU’s generation portfolio, which will better position it to meet federal environmental regulations and meet customers’ long-term energy needs.

“We have a comprehensive approach that is sustainable and flexible for our power generation fleet, and last year we achieved power reliability for our customers that was among the best in the country,” said John Crockett, president of LG&E and KU . “Together with our parent company PPL, we are pursuing a comprehensive clean energy strategy to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, while maintaining reliability and affordability for our 1.3 million customers. We continually evaluate a range of energy sources and explore innovative solutions that will continue to best serve Kentucky and the needs and interests of our customers.

Projects can also be considered as a source of energy supply for LG&E and KU’s Green Tariff program if the company partners with business and industrial customers to create custom renewable energy solutions, combining Green Energy and Business Solar programs and Renewable Energy Agreements for interested customers in the purchase of renewable energy.

Proposals considered must provide at least 75 megawatts of energy and may include offers for purchasing power, the purchase of new or existing renewable energy facilities and build-transfer transactions.

These proposals are for energy supplies that complement LG&E and KU’s power generation investment plans approved last fall by the Kentucky Public Utilities Commission. LG&E and KU received regulatory approval to build a 640-MW natural gas combined unit at the Mill Creek Generating Station and add more than 1,000 MW of solar and battery storage, while economically retiring two aging coal-fired generating units and several natural gas facilities peak units.

In April, the company also launched Kentucky’s first utility wind turbine at the EW Brown Generating Station Renewable Energy Integration Research Facility. The research project aims to collect data and will be important in determining wind’s potential for renewable energy production in Kentucky.