
The government of East Turkistan in exile calls on the US to adopt a law on Uyghur policy

Washington: The East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE) has urgently called on the U.S. Senate to immediately pass the Uyghur Policy Act establishing a Special Coordinator for Uyghur Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. The people of East Turkistan have been supporting this position since 1997, striving for parity with Tibet in US policy.

On February 20, 2024, ETGE, leading a coalition of 60 East Turkistan and Uyghur organizations from across the diaspora, sent a joint letter to Congress calling on it to recognize East Turkistan as an occupied country under Chinese colonization and calling for the rapid passage of the Uyghur Policy Act, read ETGE press release.

“We call on the U.S. Senate to act quickly and decisively. The Uyghur Policy Act is not just a piece of legislation; is a salvation for millions suffering from China’s brutal occupation in East Turkestan,” said ETGE Minister of Foreign Affairs and Security Salih Hudayar.

The recent passage of the Resolve Tibet Act by the US Senate has brought hope to both Tibetans and East Turkistani. However, there remains a clear inconsistency in US policy between its position towards East Turkestan and Tibet.

In addition to passing the Uyghur Policy Act, ETGE called on Congress to quickly introduce and pass the East Turkistan Settlement Act, similar to the Tibet Resolution Act. Such legislation would strengthen the United States’ commitment to addressing the root causes of the humanitarian crisis in East Turkistan and support the people of East Turkistan’s pursuit of justice and external self-determination.

ETGE also calls on the US to counter disinformation about East Turkestan propagated by the Chinese government and the CCP. This includes correcting historical narratives and using the indigenous name East Turkestan instead of the Chinese colonial term “Xinjiang (New Territory or Colony)”. (OR)

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