
Oregon Governor Tina Kotek makes the decision to elect the Forestry Board despite opposition

Oregon Governor Tina Kotek visited Portland last month.  Kotek decided to nominate the two men to the Oregon Forest Board after initially scrapping the plans due to opposition from environmental groups.

Oregon Governor Tina Kotek visited Portland last month. Kotek decided to nominate the two men to the Oregon Forest Board after initially scrapping the plans due to opposition from environmental groups.

Krystyna Wentz-Graff / OPB

Gov. Tina Kotek is pushing forward two nominations to the board overseeing Oregon’s forest policy after she abruptly withdrew from the plan earlier this month under pressure from environmental groups.

On Wednesday, a Senate committee will consider whether to appoint conservationist Bob Van Dyk and timber lobbyist Heath Curtiss to the seven-member Forestry Board, where they will fill the terms of two departing members.

However, due to Kotek’s last-minute change of plans, the Senate Rules and Executive Nominating Committee will have to agree to suspend its normal rules to accommodate the two men, since they were not on the initial list of state board appointees that Kotek released earlier this month.

In response to questions about the change of course, the governor’s spokesman said Friday that Kotek “takes the nomination process seriously and is confident that these appointments best serve the public interest.”

The last-minute maneuver is a manifestation of the political game that is currently a characteristic feature of nominations to the forestry board.

The volunteer board plays a major role in determining the extent of forest clearing across the state, making it a focus for both members of the timber industry and environmental groups looking to protect habitats for endangered species. Both coalitions are paying particular attention to the state of the board, which under state law can consist of up to three members with financial ties to logging.

Kotek’s nominations would help maintain the current balance. Van Dyk, who worked for a dozen years at the Wild Salmon Center in Portland, will serve until the end of his term as environmental lawyer Chandra Ferrari, who currently works in Kotek’s office. Curtiss, a lobbyist for Hampton Lumber, will serve the term of Hampton board member Karla Chambers.

The current management board recently adopted a controversial plan to limit logging in state forests.

Van Dyk and Curtiss also have a history of collaborations. The two men played a key role in negotiating a 2021 agreement between timber interests and the environment, known as the “Private Forests Agreement,” that avoided a costly electoral fight between the two sides.

Still, some environmental groups sharply criticized Kotek’s decision to put Curtiss on the board, arguing that a timber lobbyist had no right to decide state forest policy. Eight groups, including Oregon Wild and the Oregon League of Conservation Voters, sent the governor a sharp letter earlier this month demanding that Curtiss’ nomination be rejected.

However, after withdrawing in response to concerns, Kotek decided to move forward.

On Friday, Curtiss wrote in an email to OPB that he knew the governor’s office was still conducting “due diligence” on the nomination and that his name would be presented last Thursday. He previously said Kotek was criticized “because rural counties and residents believe a few urban environmental interest groups have undue influence….”

Meanwhile, Van Dyk broke the news of his nomination to allies in an email over the weekend.

“There was some controversy regarding the nomination, which will come as no surprise to those of you who follow Oregon forest policy,” he wrote. “Now, apparently after further discussion and consideration, the Governor is presenting us with a proposal. “I think confirmation is likely at this stage, although you never know.”
