
Breakthrough in wearable display technology: red perovskite devices achieve 19.8% efficiency

Thanks to a collaborative effort led by Professor Jiwoong Yang of DGIST and Professor Moon Kee Choi of UNIST, scientists have achieved a significant breakthrough in wearable display technology. By focusing on high-performance, skin-attached devices that emit pure red perovskite light, the team overcame previous limitations in stability and electrical properties associated with red perovskite materials. Using innovative surface modification techniques by replacing iodine with bromine, the team improved the stability and electrical parameters of perovskite light-emitting layers, leading to an external quantum efficiency (EQE) of up to 19.8%.

Professor Yang highlights the commercial potential of this achievement, bringing pure red perovskite displays closer to reality. Professor Choi highlights the broad applications of these newly developed devices, not only in perovskite LED-based displays, but also in emerging technologies such as VR, AR and smart wearables. This research, supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT, the National Research Foundation of Korea and the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, marks significant progress in the field of wearable technology and was published in the esteemed journal Materials Today.

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