
Energizing Europe’s future with bioenergy – Euractiv

In the coming years, the energy transition will continue to be key to ensuring an independent, sustainable and competitive European Union. Bioenergy Europe has 3 recommendations for the new EU leadership for this to happen. Irene di Padua, Policy Director at Bioenergy Europeprovides an overview of the steps new EU leaders can take.

Europe is at a crossroads. After the European Parliament elections, it will be time to implement the Green Deal and ensure a transformation that brings wealth and prosperity to EU citizens.

The energy transition is not only an environmental imperative; it is also a socio-economic necessity. It promises to create millions of jobs, support innovation, promote industrial competitiveness and ensure stable and independent energy supplies.

Over the next 5 years, Europe must focus on phasing out fossil fuels, increasing its energy independence and developing innovative solutions such as biogenic carbon dioxide removal.

Phasing out fossil fuels

The first concrete actions should be to abolish fossil fuel subsidies and require Member States to set end dates for the use of fossil fuels in various sectors. Continuing this unhealthy relationship with fossil fuels increases our vulnerability to, among other things, geopolitical disruptions. Every winter, this dependence exposes EU citizens to price fluctuations and supply uncertainty.

Make the EU more resilient

Increasing the EU’s energy security requires investing in reliable and sustainable energy sources such as biomass. As Mario Draghi emphasized on the future of EU competitiveness: “We must be able to rely on low-carbon and independent energy systems.” Bioenergy is an indigenous energy source that complements other renewable energy sources in many sectors. It is a vibrant EU-based industry that delivers net-zero emissions technologies and is already contributing to the decarbonization of the EU economy. The European Union should maintain its leading role in bioenergy while developing other alternatives to fossil fuels.

We are modernizing our heating systems

It is essential to support the demand for more efficient heating systems. Modernization of heating equipment should be a priority. A more efficient and fossil-free heating system will free up renewable energy for other uses, such as industry. In addition to reducing emissions from buildings, this will help citizens face the coming winters with confidence.

Negative carbon dioxide emissions

The future Europe must also “be great in great things” (do quote Jean-Claude Juncker slogan) and take into account technological progress. There is an urgent need to establish a political and financial framework that accelerates the deployment of biogenic carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. These mature technologies can significantly reduce overall emissions and offset sectors that struggle to reduce emissions.

What is the role of biomass?

Biomass energy offers a unique combination of benefits.

It is a renewable and carbon-neutral form of energy. When combined with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, bioenergy can become carbon negative by removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Moreover, it is a truly European industry increases the EU’s industrial competitiveness and the local economy. More than three quarters of the bioenergy we use is produced in the EU, and 74% of bioenergy technology suppliers are based in the EU. By 2050, the bioenergy sector could create up to 1.5 million jobs across the continent.

Bioenergy is a flexible energy source that can be used for heating, electricity generation and transport, complementing other renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy.

With realistic but still ambitious leadership committed to sustainable growth, we can ensure a prosperous and resilient future for all Europeans. Bioenergia Europe will continue to deliver effective and innovative solutions to improve Europe’s energy future.

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