
Reports illuminate the path to decarbonizing California’s maritime sector

Two reports published jointly by the Goldman School of Public Policy, the University of California at Berkeley and Energy & Environmental Research Associates discuss policy changes and technologies aimed at decarbonizing ocean-going vessels, highlights Pacific Environment.

Tits set of reports aims to inform stakeholders and decision-makers about opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other air pollutants from the maritime sector. These reports describe:

  1. ship decarbonization technologies, including low and zero carbon fuels, engine efficiency and operational efficiency; AND,
  2. policy landscape – what’s happening nationally and internationally, along with recommended policy initiatives for state and federal agencies in the United States.

As explained, California has historically led the world on air pollution and greenhouse gas control measures and has modeled policy initiatives for other states and national and international governments. In 1988, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) established limits on sulfur and other diesel fuel content to reduce criteria for pollutants from motor vehicles. By 2008, CARB adopted a regulation requiring the use of low-sulfur marine distillates, applicable to all vessels within 24 nautical miles of the California coast.

The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are the most active seaports in the Western Hemisphere and the leading container ports in the United States, collectively known as the Ports of San Pedro Bay. These ports, along with other ports in California, handle approximately 40% of the country’s container imports and 30% of its exports. Concentrated emissions from ships, vehicles and equipment have significantly impacted air quality in the region. CARB estimates suggest that these activities at San Pedro Bay ports contribute to an average of 67 premature deaths and more than 2,000 cases of respiratory injuries in the area each year.

Federal and state governments, including California, must accelerate efforts to transition ships and ports toward a zero-emissions future. We hope California will strengthen its policies to reduce ship emissions.

..said David Wooley, director of the Ecological Center at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley.

California has a unique opportunity to accelerate greenhouse gas emissions controls and criteria for ship emissions. This report highlights the rapid development of the low- and zero-GHG marine fuels industry and identifies pathways to achieving safe and efficient, zero- and low-emission vessels on the waters.

..said Edward Carr, vice president of operations, energy and environmental research associates.

California could create financial incentives for the production and use of zero- or near-zero carbon marine fuels through low-carbon fuel standards. Currently, there are no zero-carbon fuels suitable for large ships manufactured on the US West Coast. This fuel supply infrastructure is critical to the success of global voluntary and mandatory commitments to operate zero carbon ships.

The EERA report provides an overview of low- and zero-GHG marine fuel technologies and supplementary power systems. The report describes decarbonization potential, costs, technological parameters, safety and infrastructure. The report provides innovative analysis of the growth in the number of fleets powered by clean fuels and demonstrates the significant potential of sustainable marine fuels.

The report’s findings show that the number of methanol-fueled and methanol-ready ships will increase 6.8-fold, reaching approximately 285 ships over the next five years. The number of ammonia-ready ships will increase 4.5 times, reaching a total of around 200 ships over the same period. Other low-GHG ship technologies, such as hydrogen fuel cells, battery power and assist, and solar and wind propulsion, are also developing rapidly, indicating a shift toward early adoption of these technologies.

The report outlines a promising three-step transition towards net-zero emissions in the maritime sector, highlighting the role that methanol and ammonia can play as hydrogen carriers. While there are significant differences between marine energy demand and projected production, the volume of low- and zero-GHG fuels is expected to increase rapidly, and ships are already being ready and being built that can use these fuels.