
A micro hydropower system supplies electricity to remote villages in Papua New Guinea

In a significant step towards improving the quality of life in remote areas, the installation of a new micro-hydroelectric system in Hogave, Papua New Guinea, provides reliable electricity to this remote village. This event comes amid ongoing rescue operations in Enga Province following a devastating landslide.

The 20 kW micro-hydro system was installed as part of a project initiated by a foreign foundation to reward the Hogave tribe for their commitment to forest conservation. The system now powers essential rural facilities, including the local school, providing residents with previously unimaginable benefits.

Kumoro Kima, a teacher at a rural primary school, emphasized the direct impact of this initiative on education. He said that thanks to electricity he can use mobile devices and tablets as teaching aids. The lighting allows students to study in the evening, which was not possible before.

David Kima, founding director of the Hogave Conservation Center and a tribal elder, emphasized the economic benefits. “We were previously using fuel from diesel generators, which was constantly running out quickly, so we had to send a vehicle to Goroka town to transport the fuel. It’s 63 km, or about two or three hours of driving. Thanks to microhydro, the time and costs of getting to and from the city have been shortened and reduced.”

The benefits of decentralized renewable energy are also visible in Mount Hagen, where a 120 kW mini hydroelectric power plant has been operating since 2005. This power plant provides clean energy to Rondon Ridge Lodge and the surrounding community, boosting local tourism and creating jobs. The project was completed using local talent and resources, further enhancing community benefits.

Kere Kila, a local woman employed as a matron at the lodge, noted the wider economic impact. “Since I started working at the shelter, I have seen local women really benefit from this business. They receive more income because they can sell their handicrafts to tourists,” she said.

These hydropower projects demonstrate the potential of renewable energy to drive sustainable development in remote communities. Despite Papua New Guinea’s potential to generate 251 GW of hydropower, the country produced only 327 MW by 2023. Recent efforts have added 66 MW, showing progress towards the government’s goal of producing 70% renewable energy by 2030.

Bob Bates, owner of Rondon Ridge Lodge, called for more such initiatives. “There should be hundreds of these mini-power plants across the country, especially in the highlands. We have the water, height and skills to install them,” he said.

source: IRENA