
Nikhil Kamath proposes ‘device-free Sundays’

'Let's take control': Nikhil Kamath proposes 'device-free Sundays'

Nikhil Kamath’s post resonated with many users.

Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath, in a recent post on X, talked about the importance of attention and its limited availability in today’s fast-paced world. Highlighting statistics that show the vast amount of activity occurring in a single minute – millions of messages exchanged, Google searches conducted, and emails sent – Kamath highlighted the pervasive influence of media entertainment and advertising on the modern landscape.

In his post, Kamath wrote, “Attention = time, time, the commodity that defines all other commodities.”

Recognizing time as our most precious resource, Kamath proposed a practical solution to regain control of our attention: a designated “device-free” period.

“It’s crazy to think that we have so little control and others have so much control. I’m being manipulated by this as much as the next guy/girl. Let’s take back some control, device-free on the last Sunday of every month? Let’s feel the manipulation of our physical closeness instead I can do it if we all do it together,” he wrote.

See the post here:

Nikhil Kamath’s post resonated with many users, triggering a wave of comments. Several users agreed with his views on the decreasing attention span in today’s world.

A user commented: “Absolutely, let’s break free from the digital leash and reconnect with our real environment. One device-free Sunday a month can be the reset we all need. Who is involved in this?”

Another user wrote: “Absolutely! Time is our most precious resource, even though we often give it up to distractions.

A third user wrote: “Let’s absolutely reclaim our time and rediscover the magic of the present moment!”

Earlier, Kamath had shared his views on parenting. He mentioned that the traditional idea of ​​having children to carry on the legacy did not appeal to him. Current activities are his priority and he does not feel the need to devote a significant part of his life to raising a child.