
FM spokeswoman on the new regulations of the China Coast Guard

New regulations issued on May 15 by the China Coast Guard (CCG) aim to better maintain order at sea and adhere to common practices, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said at a news conference in Beijing on Wednesday.

“The implementation of the regulations of the China Coast Guard aims to standardize the administrative and enforcement procedures of the Coast Guard authorities and better maintain maritime order in accordance with common practices. People and entities free from illegal acts have nothing to worry about. I want to emphasize that it is the Philippine side, not the Chinese side, that is escalating tensions and constantly provoking in the South China Sea. China’s door to dialogue and communication with the Philippines is open, but the most important thing is that dialogues should result from sincerity, and the achievements of the dialogues should be translated into real actions, and not pretend that we want dialogue on our lips, while provoking and causing trouble in our actions, he said. Mao.

FM spokeswoman on the new regulations of the China Coast Guard

FM spokeswoman on the new regulations of the China Coast Guard

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met Fuad Hussein, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Iraq, in Beijing on Wednesday.

Hussein is in the Chinese capital on Thursday to attend the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

Noting that Iraq is one of the first Arab countries to establish diplomatic relations with China, Wang, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said China supports Iraq’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity, its counterterrorism activities and firmly opposes foreign interference in Iraq’s internal affairs.

The Chinese Foreign Minister reiterated that China is Iraq’s largest trading partner and the two sides should continue to strengthen cooperation in economics and trade, energy and transport.

For his part, Hussein said Iraq appreciates China’s support and assistance and firmly supports China’s core interests.

The Iraqi Development Road complements China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to connect Asia with Europe by building railways, Hussein said.

Iraq is ready to strengthen economic, trade and energy cooperation with China, raising the bilateral strategic partnership to a new level, the minister said.

Chinese FM meets with Iraqi counterpart on bilateral cooperation

Chinese FM meets with Iraqi counterpart on bilateral cooperation