
CO2 capture and methanol production using solar energy were presented

In a recent article published in npj Sustainability of materialsresearchers have proposed an innovative approach to solving the pressing problem of climate change by integrating solar-assisted direct air capture (DAC) technology with green methanol production. Their research aims to mitigate the impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions while providing a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.

direct air capture

Photo credit: chayanuphol/

Direct air capture as a solution to climate change

Climate change refers to changes in global weather patterns caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This leads to higher temperatures, extreme weather such as storms and floods, rising sea levels and disruptions to nature, creating serious problems for plants, animals, the economy and human life.

DAC technology has proven to be a promising solution for reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere and combating global warming. DAC relies on the selective adsorption of CO2 from the air using solid capture media, followed by regeneration of the sorbent using low-temperature heat sources.

Among various DAC technologies, solid sorbent-based DAC has undergone rapid development due to its high efficiency and low power consumption. However, existing DAC methods often rely on significant energy inputs, which raises concerns about their overall carbon footprint. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as promising capture media due to their high CO content2 adsorption possibilities.

About research

In the article, the authors presented an advanced concept that combines CO capture2 using a solar-assisted DAC with subsequent conversion of captured CO2 into liquid methanol. The integrated system is based on thoughtful integration of existing technologies, focusing on key processes such as CO2 capture, separation and disposal. This study emphasized the use of MOFs as solid sorbent for DAC as they exhibit excellent CO properties2 adsorption properties and can be regenerated using solar energy.

Scientists performed a comprehensive analysis of the integrated system, taking into account the technical characteristics of each subsystem and assessing its environmental impact throughout its life cycle. Advanced modeling techniques and simulation tools were used to evaluate the feasibility and performance of the proposed system. The study also examined the potential benefits of using specific technologies as part of an integrated system and examined the challenges and opportunities associated with their implementation.


The results showed significant potential for an integrated DAC system and solar-assisted green methanol production. The use of MOF as a solid sorbent in the DAC unit resulted in improved CO levels2 capture efficiency and reduced power consumption compared to conventional DAC technologies. Regenerating MOFs using solar energy further made the process carbon negative, minimizing the overall carbon footprint.

The study also showed that the conversion of captured CO2 into methanol using renewable hydrogen from photovoltaic-powered water electrolysis, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with traditional methanol production methods. The authors’ life cycle assessment showed that the integrated system has the potential to significantly reduce global warming potential (GWP) per unit of methanol produced, making it a more sustainable alternative to methanol obtained from fossil fuels.


Sustainable CO conversion2 captured by an innovative system into green methanol has numerous opportunities in many sectors. This versatile methanol can serve as a clean transportation fuel, offering an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels. It is also a valuable raw material for the chemical industry, supporting the production of various compounds and materials.

By using this integrated approach, significant progress can be made in mitigating climate change. Conversion of captured CO2 in methanol directly reduces atmospheric CO2 levels, contributing to global efforts to combat greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, the use of renewable energy sources for methanol production promotes energy security.

Relying on sustainable resources such as solar energy and renewable hydrogen, the system provides a consistent and reliable source of methanol while reducing reliance on finite reserves of fossil fuels.


Overall, researchers comprehensively demonstrated the potential of solar-assisted DAC integration with green methanol production as a viable solution to address the challenges of climate change and energy security. Their approach has the potential to revolutionize traditional methods of CO capture and utilization2paving the way to a more sustainable future.

Scientists acknowledged that further research and development could lead to widespread adoption of this integrated system, contributing to achieving global climate goals and the transition to a circular carbon economy. Continued progress in MOF development, solar integration, and system-wide life cycle assessment could further improve the technology’s performance and environmental impact.

Magazine reference

Li, S., Chen, R., Wang, J. et al. (2024) Solar-assisted direct CO capture2 from atmospheric air to synthesize methanol. npj Mater. Support. 211,

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