
India’s Digital Competition Act – a necessity despite opposition from big tech

A recent protest by a US lobby group representing tech giants such as Google, Amazon and Apple is against it India the proposed Digital Competition Act should be watched with a critical lens. The group, led by the US-India Business Council (USIBC), urged India to reconsider the project, arguing that it reflects a European directive Relationships a rigorous Digital Markets Act and could potentially they increase user costs and stifle innovation. However, this seems to be an opposition to be motivated more by a desire to maintain market dominance than by any real concern for consumers or innovation.

Need for regulation

India the digital economy has expanded rapidly, positioning itself as a key market for technology companies global. With over 600 million internet users, it is a goldmine for these companies. However, this growth has also concentrated market power among a few dominant players, stifling competition and innovation from local start-ups. The proposed Digital Competition Act aims to address this imbalance by imposing new antitrust rules on large digital companies with significant market influence.

The bill, modeled on EU The Digital Markets Act aims to prohibit companies from using non-public user data and With promoting them own services over those of competitors. Moreover, it aims to eliminate restrictions on downloading third-party applications, which would contribute to a more competitive and consumer-friendly market.

Big Technique Concerns: Red herring?

In his letter of May 15 to India USIBC’s Ministry of Corporate Affairs says these regulations will hamper the development of the technology corporate the ability to launch new functions and increase user security. They argue that the scope of the Indian Bill is wider than the scope of the Indian Bill EU and warns that this could lead to reduced investment in India, higher prices for digital services and a limited range of offers.

Although these fears may seem justified at first glancethey mask a more selfish agenda. Big Tech companies have successfully navigated stringent regulatory environments in other regions, such as the European Union, without losing their market position or ability to innovate. Their resistance to India the proposed law appears to be aimed at preserving their market dominance rather than about protecting users’ interests or supporting innovation.

Protection of consumer interests

India the government panel rightly emphasized the need for this new law, noting the enormous control exercised by a few large digital companies. These corporate anti-competitive practices, such as using proprietary data to gain an unfair advantage and limiting downloads of third-party applications, undermine the competitive landscape and harm consumer choices. The proposed law aims to curb these practices and ensure a fairer market for all players.

The argument that this is the law lead to growth user costs are speculative at best. In fact, increased competition is more likely to lower prices and improve service quality. By supporting a level playing field, the law will encourage innovation and provide more options for consumers.

Support for Indian startups

Notably, a group of 40 Indian startups expressed support for the new law, arguing that it would help address monopolistic practices of dominant digital platforms and create a fairer market environment. This support from local businesses underscores the need for the proposed legislation to support a vibrant and diverse digital economy.


While the Government of India reviews views on the proposal, it is critical to maintain a balanced approach that addresses legitimate concerns without compromising law basic goals.

Constructive dialogue between government and stakeholders, including Big Tech, can help improve regulations to ensure they are effective and fair. Although big Technique opposition to India The Digital Competition Act is high profile and it is essential to recognize the wider benefits of such regulation. Ensuring fair competition, protecting consumer interests and supporting a healthy digital ecosystem are of paramount importance.

India far from stifling innovation, the proposed rules could create a more dynamic and inclusive digital marketplace that benefits all stakeholders.