
WordPress plugin used to steal credit card information from e-commerce sites | by Lithium Networks | May 2024

Lithium networks

In recent cybersecurity news, cybercriminals have exploited a popular WordPress plugin to steal credit card information from e-commerce sites. This incident highlights the critical importance of maintaining solid security practices on WordPress sites, especially those that handle sensitive financial information.

Exploit: How it happened

The target plugin, which remains unnamed for security reasons, is widely used on many WordPress sites to enhance e-commerce functionality. The vulnerability in question allowed attackers to inject malicious code into the plugin, which in turn allowed them to obtain credit card information entered by customers during the payment process.

The attack vector exploited a common but dangerous vulnerability known as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Here is a simplified description of how the exploit works:

  1. Injection: Attackers identified and exploited an XSS vulnerability in the plugin. They managed to insert malicious JavaScript code into the plugin’s files or database.
  2. Execution: When a user visited a compromised e-commerce site and attempted to make a purchase, malicious code was executed in the user’s browser.
  3. Data Capture: The injected code captures credit card information entered by the user during checkout and transmits this sensitive information to a remote server controlled by the attackers.

The breach had serious consequences for affected e-commerce sites and their customers:

  • Financial Loss: Victims of data theft face potential financial loss and the tedious process of canceling and reissuing infected credit cards.
  • Reputation Loss: E-commerce sites affected by an exploit may suffer long-term reputational damage as customers lose confidence in their ability to protect personal information.
  • Regulatory consequences: Companies can face fines and penalties for failing to protect customer data, especially under regulations such as GDPR or PCI DSS.

To protect your WordPress e-commerce site from similar exploits, consider the following security measures:

  1. Regular updates: Make sure all WordPress plugins, themes and core are updated regularly. Developers often release patches for known vulnerabilities, and updating minimizes the risk of exploitation.
  2. Security plugins: Install reputable security plugins that can detect and block malicious activity. Tools such as Wordfence, Sucuri and iThemes Security provide comprehensive protection against various threats.
  3. Code reviews: Periodically review and audit your website’s code, especially third-party plugins and themes. This helps identify potential security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
  4. Web Application Firewall (WAF): Implement a WAF to filter out malicious traffic and prevent attacks such as XSS from reaching your website.
  5. Secure Payment: Use secure and verified payment gateways to process transactions. Avoid storing sensitive credit card information on your website unless absolutely necessary, and make sure all data transmissions are encrypted.

For sites affected by this particular exploit, immediate action is critical:

  • Identify and remove: Quickly identify the affected plugin and remove or disable it.
  • Patch and Update: Apply any available patches or updates to close the vulnerability.
  • Notify affected users: Inform customers of the breach, advising them to monitor their financial accounts and change their passwords.
  • Strengthen security: Conduct a thorough security audit to identify and mitigate other potential vulnerabilities.

The recent use of a WordPress plugin to steal credit card information highlights the ever-present threats in the digital environment. E-commerce website owners must prioritize security by ensuring their platforms are resistant to such attacks. By adopting proactive security measures and remaining vigilant, businesses can protect their customers and maintain confidence in their online services.

For more information on increasing WordPress security, contact our experts at Lithium Networks. We offer comprehensive security assessments and tailored solutions to protect your digital assets.