
Will new EPA regulations enhance sustainability?

A strong economy can and should contribute to sustainable environmental and climate issues. Environmentalists and climate change advocates can and should also work to ensure growth and sustainable development of the national economy (photo courtesy of ).

by Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., President/CEO of the National Association of Newspaper Publishers

In responding to the African American community’s concerns about proposed regulatory and administrative policies, the Biden-Harris administration has proven to be a sensitive advocate for minority voices and interests.

Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., President/CEO of the National Association of Newspaper Publishers

Take, for example, the administration’s recent reversal of a proposal to ban menthol cigarettes, which are disproportionately used by Black and Latino adult smokers, over concerns about unfair racial profiling and targeting.

Through the Affordable Connectivity Program, the Biden-Harris Administration has connected more than five million Black households to affordable, high-speed Internet, closing the digital divide for millions of African-American families across the country.

As the Biden-Harris 2024 presidential campaign gains momentum among African Americans and other communities of color, I encourage the campaign to continue to respond to the issues and needs of these communities, which will provide the Democratic Party with a solid foundation in the 2024 national elections. Recent national polls continue to indicate that the Biden-Harris campaign still has work to do to match Democratic voter turnout in 2016 and 2020, so responding to these concerns could make significant gains in this regard.

One area where Biden-Harris could boost African American voter turnout is by addressing their frustration with the rising cost of living, often resulting from higher energy prices. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, these types of economic problems affect black Americans more than white Americans.

I commend my dear friend and colleague, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan, who has been a strong advocate for environmental justice and equality for all Americans, especially minority communities.

In a recent speech at my alma mater, Howard University, one of the most distinguished Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the country, Administrator Regan announced that the EPA would like to permanently close existing coal-fired power plants and prohibit new gas-fired power plants unless they implement technologies carbon capture that are currently emerging in the energy sector.

In his remarks, Administrator Regan argued that mandates are necessary to protect “communities of color” from dangers at coal and gas plants that do not meet carbon capture goals. I know without a doubt what the administration’s opinion is on this matter.

However, these proposals could make electricity more expensive and sometimes less reliable, disproportionately harming minority customers. Moreover, many of the new EPA-regulated gas plants provide reliable, critical sources of backup energy. That said, Administrator Regan raises some important issues, and the administration can undoubtedly find a solution to this problem that satisfies all of its constituents.

This process can begin with the creation of the Biden-Harris Sustainability Council. President Bill Clinton established the President’s Council on Sustainability in 1993. The council’s successful goal was to bring together environmental and climate justice leaders with energy, trade and other leaders in corporate America, including leaders of the coal and gas industries, to jointly explore ways to strengthen American economy while protecting the environment and climate.

Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown chaired the President’s Council on Sustainable Development. It was my pleasure to represent the interests of the Environmental Justice Movement as an active board member. We found that the interests of corporate America and the energy sector are not mutually exclusive with the interests of environmental and climate justice.

In other words, a strong economy can and should contribute to sustaining environmental and climate issues, and environmentalists and climate change advocates can and should also work to ensure the growth and sustainability of the domestic economy.

I am confident that President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Administrator Regan will reestablish the President’s Council on Sustainability (which will work directly with the Congressional Black Caucus Energy Braintrust, prominent city mayors, elected officials, energy industry leaders, and representatives of climate change advocates and leaders Environmental Justice Movement) will enable them to find a way to implement a comprehensive approach to energy that benefits everyone. The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), of which I serve as President/CEO, welcomes the opportunity to participate in such ongoing efforts and councils.

More clean energy initiatives are needed, and reporting on them should remain a priority for the administration. That said, new EPA policies for existing coal and gas plants should be designed to protect the environment and climate while supporting the economy. The administration must ensure that well-intentioned new mandates do not have the unintended consequence of increasing electricity prices, especially for underserved communities.

I am confident that the energy impact proposals currently under consideration by EPA Administrator Regan and the Biden-Harris Administration will address the issues I raise with the ultimate goal of environmental, climate and economic sustainability.

(Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. is president/CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and a longtime leader in civil rights and environmental justice, and can be contacted at .)