
Reader Carmel says it’s time to switch to clean energy

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Dear editor:

I am writing in response to a recently published letter recommending continued reliance on coal as Indiana’s primary energy source. While I understand concerns about reliability, I believe the future of Indiana’s energy lies in transitioning to clean energy sources that are cheaper and safer.

The legacy of coal is undeniable. This has fueled our country for generations. But clinging to the past comes at a high price. Carbon is a major cause of air and water pollution, harming our health and the environment. Just a few weeks ago, the EPA tightened rules for monitoring and cleaning up pollutants at existing coal-fired power plants to protect groundwater from the lingering risk of coal ash contamination.

Fortunately, switching to clean energy is not only environmentally friendly, but also economically beneficial. Indiana is well-positioned to become a leader in renewable energy. We have enough sun to harness in the form of solar and wind energy. Innovative utility-scale battery storage projects at AES Indiana in Pike County and Northeast REMC in Whitley County complement renewable energy generation, mitigate reliability issues and save ratepayers millions over the lifecycle of the projects. These types of projects should be replicated and expanded throughout Indiana, creating new jobs in engineering, manufacturing, installation and maintenance services.

The transition to clean energy won’t happen overnight, but it is an essential step towards a healthier Indiana. By innovating and investing in a clean energy future, we can ensure a better tomorrow for our country, our environment and our children.

Joe Stapleton