
VR&E Regulations: Title-38/Section-21.320

Awards providing for the payment of care services and authorization for services necessary for rehabilitation may be issued after completion of the IWRP (Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan) or other plan and meeting other conditions enabling entry or re-participation in the rehabilitation program.

(AND) Date of commencement of receiving care benefits. The commencement date for per diem allowances shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of § 21.322.

(B) Date of commencement of authorization to provide training and rehabilitation services. The date of commencement of issuing permits for the provision of training and rehabilitation services is the same as the date of entry into force of the decision to grant per diem allowances pursuant to the provisions of § 21.322, except when:

(1) The commencement date for authorization of an employment services program is set forth in § 21.326;

(2) The veteran’s plan establishes an earlier start date or the veteran is eligible for early start under § 21.282;

(3) The veteran elects payment at the parental benefit rate, in which case the start date for payment is determined by the provisions applicable to the start of payment under Chapter 30.

(Authority: 38 USC 3108 (a) and (f))

(C) End date of care allowance. The end date for the award of the daily subsistence allowance will be the earliest of the following dates:

(1) The end date listed on the veteran’s IWRP or other plan;

(2) The end date of the enrollment period confirmed by the training or rehabilitation facility;

(3) End date specified in § 21.324.

(Authority: 38 USC 3108)

(D) Completion date for the provision of training and rehabilitation services. The date of completion of the provision of training and rehabilitation services will be the same as the date of completion of per diem allowances in accordance with section (c) this section, except that:

(1) The end date of the employment service period is determined by the provisions of § 21.326;

(2) The veteran’s plan establishes a later termination date;

(3) The veteran has elected to be paid at the educational assistance rate paid under Chapter 30. The scholarship completion date is determined by the regulations applicable to completion of training under Chapter 30.

(Authority: 38 USC 3108 (a) and (f))

(49 FR 40814, October 18, 1984, amended at 54 FR 4284, January 30, 1989; 57 FR 57108, December 3, 1992)