
Both high performance and stability were Achi

Fiber optic type electronic devices using 4-Amino-TEMPO


Fiber optic type electronic devices using 4-Amino-TEMPO

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Source: Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)

Through joint research with the team of Professor Chul-jin Ahn at Changwon National University, the research team of Dr. Jae-Ho Kim and Dr. Myung-kwan Song from the Department of Energy and Electronic Materials in the Department of Surface and Nano Materials developed a 4-amino-TEMPO derivative with photocatalytic properties and with it has been successfully used to produce high-efficiency and stable fiber-shaped dye-sensitized solar cells (FDSSC) and fiber-shaped organic light-emitting diodes (FOLEDs). The developed 4-Amino-TEMPO derivative is characterized by simultaneous performance improvement of both fiber-shaped dye sensitized solar cells (FDSSC) and fiber-shaped organic light-emitting diodes (FOLEDs).

Conventional materials are difficult to synthesize and mass produce, and the repeatability of devices that use them is poor. The 4-Amino-TEMPO derivative developed by the research team not only has a simple synthesis process and can be synthesized in large quantities, but also improves the performance of FDSSC and FOLED, improving the efficiency of both electronic devices by more than 20%.

The research team designed and synthesized a material with photocatalytic properties to enhance the performance of FDSSCs. The synthesized material shows high stability in both air and moisture, making it suitable for the production of high-performance FDSSC and FOLED diodes. In addition, excellent cleaning properties and resistance to mechanical shocks were confirmed.

4-amino-TEMPO derivatives find applications in various fields of electronic devices, including solid electrolytes in lithium batteries, catalytic converters, solar cells and organic light-emitting diodes. What distinguishes this technology is the possibility of mass production in a simple process, combined with profitability. Moreover, it offers multi-functionality rather than single functionality, making it widely applicable in a variety of electronic applications. These derivatives can be mass-produced at a low cost of less than 1 million won per 100 g. Using this technology for local and mass production could bring unprecedented economic benefits to electronics companies.

Dr. Myung-kwan Song, principal investigator of this study, said: “By using multifunctional materials, we can improve performance and reliability in electronic devices.” He further commented: “We envision applications in a variety of fields, including energy production and storage materials, as well as sensory materials.”

This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT under the KIMS Basic Research Project (development of a fiber-optic-type energy production and storage platform) and the Mid-Career Researcher Support Project of the National Research Foundation of Korea. Additionally, the research results were published on April 22 in Materials Today ENERGY. Currently, the research team is continuing to further investigate the use of 4-amino-TEMPO derivatives in organic solar cells, perovskite solar cells and organic light-emitting diodes, with the goal of mass production within a few years.

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About Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)

KIMS is a government-funded, non-profit research institute under the Ministry of Science and ICT of the Republic of Korea. As the only institute specializing in comprehensive materials technologies in Korea, KIMS has contributed to Korean industry by performing a wide range of materials science activities, including research and development, inspection, testing and evaluation, and technology support.

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