
Demand for female workers is growing outside traditional sectors: report

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According to a report by the Udaiti Foundation (TUF) and Quess Corp. the demand for female workers is growing outside traditional sectors, especially in the chemical and manufacturing industries.

Currently, 11 percent of Quess’s manufacturing workforce are women and they work in 400 industrial and manufacturing units, according to the report “From Rhetoric to Action – Creating Gender-Inclusive Workplaces.”

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New-age manufacturing companies, especially those in the electronics manufacturing services (EMS) industry, are showing an increasing preference for female workers, with some companies employing up to 90% of women on their production floors.

The Udaiti Foundation analyzed the salary data of over 15 lakh Quess employees from 2020 to 2023 and found that the banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) industry has the highest percentage of women at 26%, followed by the consumer services industry at 24%. .

Moreover, the report sheds light on the low percentage of women among Quess associates (blue-collar and informal workers who work for Quess clients) at around 17 percent due to a number of factors such as male-only positions, women’s inability to undertake demanding tasks long journeys, long working hours beyond 6 p.m., etc.

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The report also revealed that the initial 90-day period is critical to addressing premature employee attrition and increasing employee retention. Nearly one in two employees who leave their job do so within the crucial initial 90-day window, with women leaving their jobs slightly higher than men.

Therefore, this stage requires targeted interventions that could potentially stem the talent outflow. Data suggests that associates who work for an initial 3-4 months after being hired tend to stay in the workforce for an additional 9-10 months.


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The study shows that access to benefits significantly improves retention among female employees at Quess. A comprehensive benefits package that includes contributions to Provident Fund (PF) and Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) along with performance bonuses plays a key role here.

Data shows that married women receiving PF benefits are three times more likely to stay in a company compared to women without such benefits, while single women receiving ESIC benefits are 48% more likely to keep their jobs compared to women without such benefits. Moreover, performance bonuses make single women three times more likely to stay employed, and married women who receive quarterly bonuses are seven times more likely to stay in the workforce.

Better career opportunities are the dominant factor in gender-based departures, accounting for 43% of departures. However, women disproportionately cite family responsibilities and health concerns, including pregnancy concerns, as reasons for leaving work.

“The roles and representation of women in the workforce management industry have evolved significantly, reflecting broader societal changes towards gender parity…..By generating data-driven evidence and stakeholder engagement, we aim to achieve significant increases in women’s representation over the next 5 years. We call on industry leaders to join us in our mission to achieve 50% women’s labor force participation rate (FLFPR) in the coming decade,” said Pooja Sharma Goyal, CEO, Udaiti Foundation.

“According to government data, women’s labor force participation in urban India is 25.4% in the age group above 15 years, one of the lowest in the world. Eliminating the gender employment gap can significantly increase a country’s GDP, and Quess is committed to this cause. We work with our clients and decision-makers to employ women across a range of sectors. We have also taken several initiatives such as providing accommodation and basic amenities to support migrant workers and deputing women liaison officers in production units to oversee the welfare of women workers,” said Guruprasad Srinivasan, Executive Director and Group CEO, Quess Corp.