
The MiQ standard becomes the only reference point that meets the new EU regulations on gas imports

NEW YORK AND LONDON, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — New European Union (EU) rules now start the clock for U.S. natural gas producers to comply with new rules for measurement-based quantification, reporting and verification (MRV) of methane emissions if they want their gas supplied to the EU market. Manufacturers must start complying with European methane regulations March 2025and I have time to January 2027 comply with the regulations or face the risk of the gas they produce being blocked on the EU market.

MiQ, a global leader in emissions certification, confirms that its standard is the only benchmark intended to meet EU equivalence requirements for measurement-based reporting and third-party verification. As a result, MiQ certification will facilitate regulatory compliance for gas produced in the US and destined for the EU market.

New EU requirements for importers will impact US natural gas producers, who will have to comply with these rules if they want their gas to have access to the EU market. Over the next 30 months, the new EU regulatory framework will introduce increasingly stringent methane emissions reporting requirements for natural gas imported into Europe, including measurement-verified quantification of emissions at the source and site level and independent third-party verification of reports. By 2030, all imported gas entering the European Union will have to demonstrate that methane emissions during natural gas production do not exceed the maximum methane intensity.

MiQ is currently the only organization – national or international – with an existing operational program that meets the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) conditions set out in the EU regulation at manufacturer level. Combined with MiQ’s use of certificates to track operators’ emissions, MiQ’s stringent MRV requirements and robust audit program provide operators with a field-proven path to meeting the stringent requirements of EU methane regulations. Furthermore, the regulation makes clear that operators who self-report emissions data without third-party verification will not meet EU criteria for exporting the gas they produce to countries Europe.

Specific EU implementing legislation on the specific nature of equivalence requirements has not yet been developed, but the adoption of the new rules highlights the urgent need for action for US producers who want to be able to export the gas they produce to the EU to ensure compliance.

“We welcome the introduction of new requirements by the EU on the import of natural gas. MiQ has anticipated these changes for some time, and our certification program provides natural gas producers with a clear path to compliance with the new regulation,” said Georges Tijbosch, CEO of MiQ. “MiQ certified operators will be prepared to enforce the new regulations – demonstrating a clear commitment to transparent reporting and emissions reductions, and ultimately ensuring access to the EU mainstream market.”

As the EU finalizes implementation details, MiQ stands ready to work with all interested parties, offering expertise and support to ensure effective compliance with the new standards.

About MiQ

MiQ is a world leader in methane emission measurement and certification. Our mission is to facilitate the rapid reduction of methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by providing a credible and transparent certification system that encourages improvement and ensures accountability.

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