
Kadin responds to the government’s “Tapera” public housing austerity policy.

TEMPO.CO, JakartaDecision by President Joko Widodo or Jokowi to require all employees to participate in the Public Housing Savings Program or Taper it is recognized that the program has good intentions but cannot be implemented uniformly.

“Housing for employees is important, but it is also important that it does not become a burden. We must take into account that not all companies are healthy,” said Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) President Arsjad Rasjid on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

Taper will come into force from 2027, with private employees having to pay 2.5%. remuneration, while the company will cover 0.5%, so that the employee receives 3% every month. savings.

According to Arsjad, Taper’s policy is good at helping workers own a home, but it cannot be applied equally to all companies. “There are also unhealthy companies, which is why Kadin always emphasizes the balance between entrepreneurs and employees,” Arsjad said, quoted by Antara.

President Jokowi signed the regulations regarding Tapera on Monday, May 20. The groups of employees required to take part in this program include the civil service, the armed forces, the police, employees of state-owned enterprises and private employees.

Tapera Management Agency (BP Tapera) will manage employee savings, which will later be returned to individuals. BP Tapera Commissioner Heru Pudyo Nugroho had earlier said that the concept of participating in the Tapera program is similar to the National Health Insurance Scheme currently administered by BPJS Health.

The pushback against Tapera came from all directions, including the business community. Indonesian Employers’ Association (Apindo) general chairwoman Shinta Kamdani said such policies are burdensome for workers and business entities. “This burden is becoming greater due to the depreciation of the rupee and weakening demand in the market,” he said, as quoted by The pace of the Quran, May 30 issue. Additionally, employers paid 18.24-19.74% from their income. contributions, including 3.7 percent for retirement insurance, one of the benefits of which is financing housing assistance.

Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated that Tapera helps disadvantaged people to have affordable housing. He said Tapera was not a new policy but had been reintroduced by the government so that new workers who were still on contract could have their own homes.

“New workers who are still renting could save and own their own homes,” he said. He supports the government’s return to Taper’s policy of ensuring that every citizen has a home.


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