
Transitioning to SaaS platforms involves several steps: Plus91Labs

Plus91Labs is a cloud SaaS consulting company. They help companies streamline their operations for growth and profitability using leading cloud technologies. They acquired Pixely, a Singapore-based IT company, to expand their presence in Southeast Asia. Future developments aim to revolutionize healthcare and become a global leader in healthcare technology solutions.

Tushar Dhawan, Partner of Plus91Labs, tells us more. Fragments of the interview:

DQ: From Gwalior to global, how has your company made up for the Salesforce Best Partner award by improving customer experiences, increasing productivity and driving business growth?

Tushar Dhawan: Plus91Labs has won the Top Salesforce Partner award, specializing in improving customer interactions, increasing productivity, and accelerating business growth. The rise from Gwalior to a global position also demonstrates our passion for excellence and innovation in the Salesforce ecosystem.

We understand the importance of customer service, which is why we integrate customer-centric Salesforce solutions that streamline processes and workflows and adapt to each business uniquely. We serve industries such as FMCG, consumer goods, manufacturing, pharma and edtech to succeed in a challenging economy.

Productivity is key to our approach. We offer comprehensive services and support so that they can take full advantage of their Salesforce solutions. Our solutions strengthen teams, increase productivity and have a real impact on companies. Our strategic partnerships with global companies and the recent acquisition of Singapore-based consulting partner Salesforce expand our reach and capabilities, enabling us to deliver unparalleled value to our customers.

It also exemplifies our values ​​of excellence, innovation and customer success in practice. These efforts focus on improved customer service, increased productivity, and promoting growth that characterize the entire Salesforce ecosystem and beyond.

DQ: How has Plus91Labs leveraged cutting-edge automation technologies to improve Salesforce implementations?

Tushar Dhawan: At Plus91Labs, we strongly believe in automating Salesforce implementations using advanced technologies. We increase the efficiency of these processes, integrate them with other platforms, implement artificial intelligence, machine learning and other automation methods.

We accelerate the process by using cutting-edge automation tools that facilitate data handling, streamline operations and help companies achieve maximum Salesforce capabilities.

Continuous innovation and automation enable us to create hard-working, repeatable solutions that deliver tangible results for our clients during these exciting times in the industry. This increases overall efficiency and productivity, providing the necessary impetus for our customers’ innovation and progress.

As a platinum SaaS-oriented system implementer, Plus91Labs aims to provide enterprise consulting services.

DQ: How would you approach understanding the unique needs and challenges of different clients to drive the growth of their businesses?

Tushar Dhawan: We are committed to helping clients achieve their business goals through personalized consulting services. Several principles guide our approach to understanding their unique needs and challenges.

We start with comprehensive discovery phases, during which we engage key members of the organization in workshops to learn about their business strategies, goals and challenges, and current processes. Hindsight combined with a broader view provides a framework for creating solutions tailored to the client’s individual needs and goals.

Throughout the entire consulting process, we always engage the client’s team and constantly encourage them to communicate freely with us to make sure that our solution is consistent with their vision. However, because every company is dynamic, we combine the Waterfall model with iterative improvement and encourage companies to use our input as they go through the process, so they can make changes along the way to improve their growth trajectory.

We also value working not only on a transactional basis, but also offering ongoing support throughout the client lifecycle, especially across multiple growth and development scenarios. Thanks to a customer-oriented approach, we support companies in achieving their goals and solving specific problems, providing effective solutions that promote sustainable business development.

Additionally, one of the key services we offer is the adoption office, where we help organizations implement changes efficiently. We understand that development and challenges arise from different scenarios and challenges, and our support ensures that the organization not only adapts to changes, but also successfully completes the process.

DQ: Can you explain the importance of Salesforce in streamlining sales processes and increasing company revenues?

Tushar Dhawan: As a Plus91Labs partner, I realize the importance of Salesforce in revenue growth. Salesforce helps organize sales work, limiting activities to those related to customers. Thanks to this, sellers can reach specific leads based on their characteristics and move them more efficiently along the sales funnel, thus achieving higher conversion rates.

Salesforce’s automation tools and analytics capabilities further increase efficiency by automating inefficient tasks and offering insights. Sales operations management can help companies reduce sales cycle times and ensure resources are allocated to sales-generating activities.

Additionally, the cloud-based platform that Salesforce runs on can deliver key sales data in real-time and from anywhere in the world, giving sales reps greater flexibility and the tools they need to stay customer-centric and adapt to change. This flexibility helps the company adapt to changing market conditions and capitalize on new growth opportunities in the market to generate revenue sustainably.

DQ: How does Plus91Labs manage data migration during the transition to SaaS platforms?

Tushar Dhawan: The transition to SaaS platforms involves several stages. The most important of them is managing data migration using these platforms at Plus91Labs. It is a process that complies with industry standards while focusing on customer needs. The first step is to analyze the customer’s overall dataset landscape, determine which datasets are most interesting, and understand their specific needs.

We then create a plan for managing and communicating data that is sensitive and unique to the institution but should not disrupt ongoing operations. This involves the preparation and matching of data as well as the process of verifying data intended for migration. Our skilled staff leverages advanced features and technologies that help computers easily extract, transform and load (ETL) information and ensure data assurance and eligibility standards.

We ensure clear and consistent communication with clients throughout the transition period, provide regular progress reports and respond to concerns should they arise. Our mission is to help customers manage the change process to achieve tremendous success in delivering value to their data through SaaS platforms. Additionally, we provide comprehensive advisory services during your SaaS transition to ensure user acceptance and make the transition as smooth as possible.

DQ: What strategies has Plus91Labs adopted to move from traditional software to SaaS?

Tushar Dhawan: Plus91Labs has also adopted a number of key strategies to transition from traditional software to software as a service. First, we always try to gather as much information as possible about the market, the trends that are setting a new direction in the industry and what customers may need. Thanks to this, we can understand as early as possible what the next changes in the market may be and what modifications can be made to our products.

We then conduct employee training initiatives and other ongoing education to keep our specialists up to date with the SaaS industry. This also enables us to constantly change the SaaS niche so that we can always offer innovative solutions.

Additionally, we partner with the most successful SaaS providers and industry specialists to provide our support and leverage their well-researched and developed technologies. Such partnerships help improve our competencies and support the delivery of SaaS solutions focused on the value that customers are looking for.

At the same time, we follow the client engagement model and create a culture of open communication between the parties involved during the transition. This way, customers do not experience any difficulties in switching platforms, and the SaaS ecosystem benefits from a common, sustainable and efficient system.