
Record solar growth in 2023 explained in six charts

As more photovoltaic capacity has been installed in countries with below-average sunshine, enormous potential remains untapped. Africa accounted for less than 1% of global installed solar capacity as of 2023, a stark difference to the rest of the world.

The sunniest countries have installed the least solar energy. Only 14% of global solar installed capacity as of 2023 (204 GW) was in markets where solar irradiation exceeds the global average. Notably, Japan has 13 times more solar panels per person than India and 41 times more than Egypt, even though solar panels in these two sunnier countries would produce 32% and 64% more electricity, respectively.

This highlights the huge untapped potential in markets with higher solar radiation, which would lead to higher solar efficiency factors. Therefore, stronger support for solar projects in high-potential countries such as India and African countries is needed. Unlocking their potential will bring huge benefits by dramatically reducing the cost of solar energy, thanks in large part to the support of early adopters.