
Africa Day 2024: Education and skills development necessary to develop the African MICE sector

The Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) declared the year 2024 as Year of Education(1)calling on governments across Africa to accelerate progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal Four (SDG4): “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”, recognizing the transformative power of education in promoting a sustainable and just world.

“Education is the cornerstone of a country’s development and the lack of it prevents meaningful progress from being achieved in all sectors, including the African events and exhibitions industry,” says Devi Paulsen-Abbott, president of the Association of African Exhibition Organizers (AAXO).

Developing human capital through education and skills development plays a key role in shaping a country’s economic landscape, and by investing in education and skills training, African countries can build the skilled and knowledgeable workforce that is essential for economic growth and development. Moreover, education is a powerful tool to reduce poverty by providing individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to secure better jobs and improve living conditions, and it promotes entrepreneurship by supporting innovation and equipping individuals with the skills, knowledge and mindset needed to identify opportunities and create new businesses .

Additionally, education and skills development increase labor productivity, leading to higher rates of economic growth and increased global competitiveness. “In today’s rapidly globalizing economy, countries and sectors that prioritize education and skills development are better positioned to attract foreign investment, participate in global value chains and compete effectively in the international marketplace,” adds Paulsen-Abbott.

Considering the impact of education and skills development in African countries, AAXO members and stakeholders shared their views on the opportunities that education offers to the events and exhibition sector locally, along with the challenges encountered:


In Libya, cooperation between organizers, venues, suppliers and institutional organizations With educational institutions have become fundamental in supporting the training and development of industry professionals in the MICE sector. These collaborations often include joint initiatives such as internships, mentorship programs, guest lectures and hands-on training sessions led by industry experts, and investments in education not only provide valuable learning opportunities for aspiring professionals, but also contribute to overall growth and sustainability local sector.

“As a result of investments in education and skills development, significant evolution and improvement have been observed in the MICE sector both in Libya and across the continent,” says Eng. Nader Ben Yala, CEO of Waha Expo. “Through targeted education initiatives, skills programs and capacity building efforts, there has been a noticeable increase in professionalism, quality and innovation in the industry. As professionals become better equipped with the necessary knowledge and experience, they are able to organize more engaging, impactful and successful events.

Investments in education also foster a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation, keeping the MICE sector up to date with emerging trends, technologies and best practices. Overall, education and skills development have played a key role in raising the standards and reputation of the MICE sector not only in Libya but across the African continent.


Education and skills development are proving crucial in driving the growth and improvement of the MICE sector in Kenya and across East Africa. “Traditionally, purposeful collaboration between industry stakeholders has been limited, but recent initiatives are increasingly focusing on integrating theoretical learning with practical applications. These partnerships facilitate internships, guest lectures and real-world projects, providing students with invaluable, hands-on experience,” says Harry Hare, co-founder and president of dx5ve, formerly CIO Africa.

Investment in education and skills development has significantly transformed the sector (with the impetus for this transformation partly catalyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic), forcing organizations to innovate or risk obsolescence, prompting significant investment in upskilling their teams to adapt and developing new approaches.

The emphasis on education and skills has not only improved the quality and efficiency of service delivery, but also increased East Africa’s ability to attract international events, boosting tourism and related sectors. Ultimately, these advances position East Africa as a formidable competitor in the global MICE market.

South Africa

Education and skills development are essential to the growth and success of Africa’s MICE sector. As interest in this industry continues to grow in Africa, it is critical to invest in education and professional development to realize its full potential and contribute to economic growth and development.

In today’s rapidly evolving and ever-changing industry, professionals must constantly update and improve their skills to remain competitive. AAXO strives to provide its members with the necessary tools and opportunities to do this, ensuring a thriving and sustainable exhibition/event/MICE sector. As part of its mission to support the industry’s growth and sustainability, AAXO prioritizes professional training and education and believes in equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles and create a more diverse and inclusive industry.

“To achieve this, in 2021/22 we have been working with organizations such as the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) to offer accredited courses and provide valuable information as part of our Lunch and Learn series in 2023. We have also surveyed our members, to identify knowledge gaps and training needs, adapting our initiatives accordingly,” says Paulsen-Abbott.

In line with AAXO’s commitment, they are excited to present the AAXO Leadership Summit on June 4, 2024. This event will feature hands-on workshops focusing on key areas such as sales strategies, sustainability, media engagement, and team building through coaching and mentoring. The aim of these workshops is to provide high-quality career and leadership development opportunities to professionals and new entrants to the industry.

The South African government recognizes the importance of skills development in building a sustainable economy. Through initiatives such as apprenticeships, funding for short-skills programs and scholarships, they aim to create an environment that attracts skills and encourages companies to invest in the country.

“As we celebrate Africa Day in 2024, we must prioritize education and skills development in the MICE sector. Through partnership and collaboration, we can equip our people with the necessary skills and knowledge to drive economic growth and development in Africa. Education is the key to unlocking the full potential of the MICE industry and building a better future for Africa,” concludes Paulsen-Abbott.

For more information about AAXO, please visit