
The aim of this partnership is to reduce Scope 3 emissions in the meat sector

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Photo: Kai-Chieh Chan

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The new partnership between the Meat Institute and supplier LOCT marks a key moment in efforts to reduce the climate impact of our food system and serves as a role model for other industries.

As the world tightens its grip on climate change, a colossal challenge looms on the horizon: coping Range 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These indirect emissions that occur in corporate supply chains have so far slipped through the cracks of regulatory frameworks and sustainability strategies. From the extraction of raw materials to the production of packaging, these impacts come from sources that are not owned or controlled by the company. They also make up the majority (often up to 80 percent) of a company’s total carbon footprint. According to CDP, a company’s Scope 3 emissions are on average 5.5 times greater than its Scope 1 and 2 emissions combined. Addressing these elusive emissions is not just a corporate responsibility, but a global imperative that could define the sustainability landscape in the next decade.

When it comes to food production, it is particularly important to consider the impact on the supply chain. Food production is responsible for more than 25 percent of global greenhouse gases. Of these, almost one third comes directly from farming and fishing.

The first partnership in the industry

That’s why the recently announced partnership between Meat Institute AND LOCT supplier (Supplier leadership on the climate transition) has been so warmly welcomed: As part of a new partnership, the Meat Institute is investing $65,000 to enable up to 100 of its members to receive valuable training that will help them set science-based goals to reduce greenhouse gases and emissions.

“The LOCT supplier’s unique expertise in reducing emissions in the supply chain is unmatched, and the Meat Institute is only the second industry association to join us.” Nicole DelSasso– said the director of the organization Sustainable Brands®. “It will equip them with the tools to accurately measure and reduce emissions and help meet sectoral and food system-wide targets.”

The institute wants all of its 350 members to set a science-based emissions reduction target by 2030. Partnership is a key part of achieving these ambitions.

The LOCT supplier was established in 2019, and the founding members included: Mars, Inc; PepsiCo AND McCormick & Company. Currently, over 1,000 suppliers serving the world’s largest multinational corporations partner with this organization to receive mentoring and hands-on instruction from subject matter experts through its online curriculum.

“For Meat Institute members, the partnership gives them the opportunity to come together in a pre-competitive environment to broadly increase climate knowledge and address supply chain emissions challenges,” says DelSasso. “Companies receive hands-on instruction in measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, learn from best practices, gain experience with emissions calculation methodologies, and interact with a variety of platforms and resources to manage and report greenhouse gas data.”

As participants progress through LOCT for Supplier courses, they will be prepared to set goals, reduce emissions and accurately disclose findings, he adds.

Clear progress

So how can an organization ensure that what is learned will lead to necessary action and emissions reductions in the food supply chain? Well, the LOCT provider tracks the response and impact of its courses among delegates. In fall 2023, more than 3,000 providers in 65 countries used online courses, and 96 percent of providers said the webinar content and activities helped their teams make climate progress. 37 providers have received an approved science goal after joining a LOCT provider, and an additional 37 have submitted their goals for SBTi and are awaiting approval. A further 91 companies have formally committed to setting science-based targets for the next two years.

For example, Callisons is a company that supplies larger food companies with mint oil, menthol crystals and powdered flavors. Sustainability team leader Kolbi Christiansonwho completed several courses – including: Range 3 Trace, Goal setting, Reduction AND Disclosure — says: “The program provided us with a common language to understand our customers’ climate expectations and (and) a basis for discussing climate action and emission reduction projects with energy consultants, engineers, our management and customers.”

Science-based goals and strategies are crucial

DelSasso believes that science-based goal setting is critical if we want to achieve effective supply chain decarbonization.

“The most important first step any company can take is learning how to effectively measure and reduce emissions in a way that can be verified by third parties. Establishing credible climate action plans is crucial to making progress towards decarbonization.”

So what remains the biggest challenge for meat companies in resolving Scope 3? What needs to happen to unlock things and accelerate progress? DelSasso believes the biggest obstacle is providing consistent paths and metrics for progress — particularly for smaller companies or companies earlier in the continuous improvement journey. Predictability and certainty are crucial. They need to know what investments will deliver results, and they need to be confident that those investments, if accompanied by proven impact, will be seen as meeting the expectations of their customers and other stakeholders.”

With the current uncertainty around what results will “receive recognition”, it is difficult for companies to invest in implementing emissions reduction programs that will be effective in the long term, he adds: “A final, well-established GHG protocol standard for the agricultural sector would be most helpful. “

In an era of pressing environmental concerns, the partnership between the Meat Institute and supplier LOCT marks a pivotal moment in our collective efforts to reduce the climate impact of our food system. This is a collaboration that offers a role model for other industries, demonstrating the significant potential for impact when organizations commit to and implement rigorous, science-based emissions reduction strategies. As we approach 2030, it is clear that the path to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions is through education, cooperation and the willingness to do our part to ensure environmental stewardship and secure our food supply for the future.