
Brawl Stars Draco Guide – The best build for the new legendary brawler

In this Brawl Stars Draco guide, we will show you the best builds of the newest Legendary brawler. Draco was officially released this week as part of an early access deal, but will debut on Starr Road in less than a week. In this guide, we’ll show you his stats, best star powers, gadgets, gear, and more. Perhaps the coolest looking brawler in the game, Draco also has some unique gameplay mechanics. Without further ado, let’s take a look.

Brawl Stars Draco guide – how to unlock the latest legendary Adventurer

To unlock Draco in Brawl Stars, players will need to unlock him for 3,800 credits when he releases on June 6. Additionally, Draco must be the chosen adventurer on your Nightwave Path. Moreover, the latest Legendary Brawler is also available in early access for $19.99. The Early Access Pack also includes eight new pins, a player icon, 80 gems, a free Dark Knight Draco skin, and 5,000 Blings. Players have too 2.7% chance to unlock Draco through the Legendary Star.

Brawl Stars Draco – All attacks and stats per level

Draco’s main attack Lance’s jab, is an attack with a range of 4 squares that deals more damage if Draco hits an enemy with the tip of his spear. Despite its short range, its attack reloads very quickly (1.0 s) and can pierce through enemies. Overall, this is a great move for crowd control and low HP targets.

Great Draco, Dragon Solo, allows Draco to ride a fire-breathing dragon that has its own attack and increased movement speed. Overall, the attack works similarly to Amber’s main attack. Draco’s dragon breathes fire the moment you start aiming. However, the fire stream is much wider, although it does not penetrate enemies. The form lasts 10 seconds, but Draco can extend it if he charges it during activation (Draco also recovers 50% of his ammo upon activation).

Additionally, Draco has a trait that allows him to charge his Super when he takes damage. At launch, it does not have the Hypercharge ability. However, we know its statistics at the time of release (they may change).

POWER LEVEL HEALTH Main attack (minimum damage) Main attack (max damage) Super damage (minimum range) Super damage (max range
1 5500 700 1400 320 80
2 6050 770 1540 352 88
3 6600 840 1680 384 96
4 7150 910 1820 416 104
5 7700 980 1960 448 112
6 8250 1050 2100 480 120
7 8800 1120 2240 512 128
8 9350 1190 2380 544 136
9 9900 1260 2520 576 144
10 10450 1330 2660 608 152
11 11000 1400 2800 640 160

Draco Star powers, gadgets and equipment – which are best for Draco?

The newest Legendary Brawler released with two gadgets:

  • Upper Cut – “The next spear stab also knocks enemies into the air for a short time.”
  • Last Stand – “Draco cannot drop below one health level for 2 seconds.”

Additionally, Draco received two Star Powers at launch:

  • Reveal – “Every 5 seconds, a subsequent lance stab reveals enemies upon impact. Exposed enemies take 35% increased damage for 5 seconds.”
  • Destruction – “Dragon Solo now also heals for 2750 after activation”.

Draco can also use the following gadgets during take-off:

  • Speed
  • Vision
  • Health
  • Shield
  • Pity
  • Gadget fee

Brawl Stars Draco Guide – Recommended Star Powers, Gadgets, and Loadout Setup

For gadgets, we prefer Draco’s Last Stand gadget, because technically it makes Draco invincible for two seconds. Throwing enemies into the air is good in modes like Brawl Ball or Volley Brawl, but outside of those modes it doesn’t have much use. We prefer Last Stand because it can help in close situations. Considering Draco needs to be up close and personal, he’ll need everything he can to stay alive.

For Draco’s Star Powers, both are solid, but we like Exposition better. Destroying only heals a quarter of Draco’s HP, which is already 11,000 at power level 11. He doesn’t really need HP, and you can also use a healer like Poco to keep him alive. Reveal the benefits to both you and your teammates by dealing 35% more damage for five seconds.

For Gears, we recommend using it Speed ​​Gear on bushy maps to make Draco faster. However, on normal maps with minimal grass, its Damage equipment and gadget charging equipment should function properly. You don’t actually need to give Draco health or shield gear, considering he’s already tanky.

Brawl Stars – in which modes it is worth using Draco (and in which you should not)

  • Fight
    • Draco’s durable HP, powerful attacks, and Upper Cut gadget make him an absolute nightmare in Brawl Ball. He can take the ball away from the enemy with Upper Cut, take a ton of damage, and destroy the team with his Ultimate. Pair him with Poco for healing and Primo for wall destruction and your team should be winning like never before. Use it with extreme confidence.
  • Grabbing gems
    • Draco’s HP allows him to step in and carry Gems with ease. Enemies will have a hard time defeating him, and he can increase his movement speed with his ultimate. Additionally, his Star of Reveal Power can help mark an enemy gem carrier. This will make it easier for your teammates to destroy the gem catchers and retake the lead.
  • Hot zone
    • Draco’s durability and the breadth of his super make him an excellent choice for the Hot Zone. Pair him with a healer like Poco and a crowd controller like EMZ and you have a strong team composition. His Last Stand gadget can keep him alive enough to reach the Hot Zone or make enough progress to win.

Brawl Stars Draco guide – in which modes should I NOT use Draco?

  • Knockout/Reward/Wipeout
    • Putting it all together because they work similarly. Generally speaking, short-range brawlers tend to struggle in these modes due to how the map layout works. Even if it were Prairie Serpent, I don’t see a fully equipped Draco doing well against Shelly. While this isn’t a terrible choice, there are better options for these modes.
  • Duels
    • The same rules apply again. Duel maps tend to favor brawlers with long-range attacks or tricks that make them useful in this mode. Unfortunately, Draco’s skills do not make him a suitable candidate for duels.

Overall, this concludes our Brawl Stars Draco guide. Good luck trying to get your hands on the newest brawler. If you get it early via Starr Drop, be sure to use it. We have no doubt that Supercell will weaken it.

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