
Maine receives approval to float offshore wind research kit in federal waters

The federal government agreed this week to lease a 15.2-square-mile site to Maine to develop the nation’s first floating offshore wind research facility in federal waters.

The offer follows other recent developments. The University of Maine is keen to collaborate with entities in the UK on appropriate floating wind platform technology. The Governor’s Office of Energy has launched a network of clean energy jobs in Maine.

Research leasing

“Offshore wind offers our state a tremendous opportunity to harness the abundance of clean energy in our own backyard, create good-paying jobs and drive economic development, as well as reduce our overdependence on fossil fuels and fight climate change,” said Governor Janet Młyny.

Mills said her administration will review the lease offer submitted by the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Ocean Energy Management to the state in the coming weeks.

The state applied for the lease in 2021 after the Legislature passed LD 336, “An Act to Encourage Research in Support of the Maine Offshore Wind Energy Industry.” The bill authorizes the Maine Public Utilities Commission to negotiate a contract to supply up to 144 megawatts of grid power.

The lease area is approximately 45 miles from Portland. The proposed system includes up to 12 turbines placed on floating concrete platforms designed and developed by the University of Maine’s Center for Advanced Structures and Composites.

The lease is intended to enable scientists to study the system’s interactions with the marine environment, the fishing industry, shipping and navigation routes, and to assist in the commercial development of the technology.

Photo / courtesy of BOEM

The grid block represents the research array lease that BOEM offered to Maine.

The state has 30 days to accept, reject or request a modification to the lease.

In its pre-bid environmental assessment, the Office of Ocean Energy Management determined that the array would not have a significant impact on the environment.

Last year, the Governor’s Office of Energy released a plan that offers strategies for Maine to realize the economic, energy and climate benefits of offshore wind in partnership with communities, fisheries and wildlife around the Gulf of Maine.

Under the plan, 80 Maine companies will engage in the U.S. offshore wind industry, and by 2030, the industry could generate more than $100 billion in private investment.

In 2020, two companies with global expertise in offshore wind signed an agreement with UMaine as partners to develop the research project.

Diamond Offshore Wind and RWE Renewables said they would invest $100 million to build the project and help with a full-scale technology demonstration.

Diamond Offshore Wind is a subsidiary of Diamond Generating Corp. and Mitsubishi Corp. RWE Renewables is an international renewable energy company.

The press release shows that in 2023, RWE sold its stake in Diamond to a research company in Maine.

Connection with Great Britain

Last month, UMaine’s Center for Advanced Structures and Composites announced a new partnership with the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory and two U.K. business acceleration programs — Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult and Innovate UK — to bring relevant U.K.-developed technologies to floating wind farms platform developers in the USA

Up to five UK companies will be selected to work with US partners to develop technologies or adapt existing technologies that can be used in the testing and demonstration of floating offshore wind platforms.

Work in the energy industry

The latest news on offshore wind development comes as the Governor’s Office of Energy launches the Maine Clean Energy Jobs Network, an online directory that connects job seekers with Maine-based clean energy employers and offers training opportunities

The recruiting tool aims to connect qualified job seekers with a growing number of Maine-based clean energy employers and training programs.

The network was developed and launched in partnership with the Maine Departments of Labor, Economic and Community Development. The plan is to work with other state agencies, employers, schools and colleges, workforce training organizations and industry to expand job opportunities in Maine’s clean energy sector.

Maine-based job seekers and employers hiring for clean energy positions are invited to join the network, post jobs, browse open positions, and learn about clean energy training programs. Joining the network is free and will be promoted through a marketing campaign that will launch later this year.

Rapid growth

The press release says the number of clean energy jobs in Maine has surpassed 15,000, meaning Maine is growing faster than any other New England state.

The clean energy sector contributed $2.31 billion to Maine’s economy in 2022, according to an independent report published by GEO.

According to the report, Maine’s clean energy sector grew more than three times faster than the state’s overall economy between 2016 and 2022 and now employs more than 15,020 people, exceeding pre-pandemic levels and putting Maine on track to meet the state’s goal of By 2030 .there will be 30,000 clean energy workers in Maine.

“The grid is a game changer for clean energy companies looking to grow and scale in Maine,” said Eliza Donoghue, executive director of the Maine Renewable Energy Association.

Richard Burbank, president of Evergreen Home Performance and a member of the Clean Energy Partnership Advisory Group, said the network will help New Mainer immigrant workers access resources in their native language.

“We are committed to providing a wide range of high-quality, affordable and relevant clean energy training programs, and this new website is a great way for job seekers to learn about the training that is right for them,” said David Daigler, president of System Maine charter schools.

Heather Johnson, commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development, said Maine is seeing a dramatic increase in the number of clean energy jobs and the number of people trained for these roles.

In 2022, GEO awarded $2.9 million in grants to nine entities for clean energy workforce development programs to attract new workers, provide job training and skill development, increase diversity and representation, and facilitate entry into the clean energy workforce energy.

In December 2023, the office awarded another $1.3 million in grants to three entities to support clean energy innovation through new business accelerator and incubator programs launching in Portland, Brunswick and Waterville.

Using $2 million in federal funds from congressionally directed spending secured by U.S. Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, and U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-1st District, GEO is currently seeking applications for clean energy workforce development and training programs and energy efficiency through a request for quotation.

The funds are intended to support programs such as clean energy job training, job placement services, scholarships, equipment, curriculum or other related services for Mainers aged 16 and older.

As of May 30, 181 job offers were published. To view the notice board, click here.