
Microgrids can help solve renewable energy challenges

Microgrids help meet the challenges of renewable energy

Reconfigurable multiple microgrid system. Loan: Research on power systems (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2024.110285

Renewable energy is the future, but issues such as variability and overgeneration have so far created headaches in fully exploiting these energy solutions. New research led by Associate Professor Ali Arefi at Murdoch University has found that the use of interconnected, distributed microgrids may be the solution.

“There are challenges related to the intermittent nature of both energy demand and renewable energy sources, which cannot be served by traditionally designed energy networks,” said Associate Professor Arefi.

“Our new research suggests that interconnected, distributed multi-microgrids may be the future.

“Microgrids are small power systems powered by clean energy. By creating a system for efficient power exchange between microgrids, we can mitigate variability in load demand and renewable energy production.

“This new system can help us maximize the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, and effectively integrate electric vehicles (EVs) with microgrids to increase sustainability.

“It would reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, maximize the use of renewable energy sources and help us replace fossil fuels with clean energy sources as part of the fight against climate change.”

The research team presented the concept of a “reconfigurable multi-microgrid system”.

The idea is to connect different small microgrid systems to support each other when needed. By coordinating connections between microgrids based on system requirements, you can overcome technical challenges and reduce operational costs.

This approach not only facilitates the use of clean energy, but also increases the reliability and cost-effectiveness of the overall system, resulting in affordable energy costs for end users.

“The ultimate goal is to accelerate the transition to a future where we emit almost no carbon dioxide, making our planet greener for everyone,” said Associate Professor Arefi.

“The results of this research have the potential to revolutionize how renewable energy and electric vehicles are incorporated into microgrids.”

The full study was published in Research on power systems.

More information:
Ali Azizivahed et al., Stochastic energy sharing scheduling in reconfigurable multi-microgrid systems in the presence of vehicle-to-grid technology, Research on power systems (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2024.110285

Brought to you by Murdoch University

Quote: Microgrids Can Help Solve Renewable Energy Challenges (2024, May 30) Retrieved May 30, 2024 from

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