
Finland interested in investing in IT and energy sectors in Bangladesh: Envoy

Finland is interested in investing in Bangladesh’s energy and information technology (IT) sectors, particularly cyber security, artificial intelligence and electricity grid management.

Non-resident Finnish Ambassador to Bangladesh Kimmo Lahdevirta expressed the will of his country during a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at his official residence Ganabhaban in Dhaka.

According to UNB, Prime Minister’s speechwriter Nazrul Islam told reporters after the meeting.

The Finnish envoy said that his country has extensive expertise in managing electricity networks and therefore wants to invest in this sector.

He said that a business delegation from his country will soon come to Dhaka to explore investment opportunities in Bangladesh.

The Prime Minister said that Bangladesh will finally graduate as a developing country in 2026.

It has requested support from Finland to continue enjoying GSP Plus facilities in the European Union for several more years (longer period) to ease its path to prosperity after graduating from LDCs.

The Prime Minister highly appreciated Bangladesh’s excellent relations with Finland and also recalled her visits to Finland and meetings with the President of Finland in 2008 and 2019.

Regarding the Rohingya issues, Hasina stated that the forcibly displaced Rohingyas have become a huge burden on Bangladesh.

However, financial assistance from the international community is gradually decreasing after the Russia-Ukraine war, the genocide committed by Israel in Gaza and the Covid-19 pandemic, she said.

As Finland’s envoy wanted to know Bangladesh’s position on the Indian elections, the Prime Minister stated that her government was maintaining “good neighborly” relations in line with the foreign policy cornerstone of “Friendship for all, malice towards none” adopted by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman .

Among those present were the Prime Minister’s Ambassador-General Mohammad Ziauddin and Principal Secretary M. Tofazzel Hossain Miah.