
Wading River Civic is developing a battery energy storage system

Author: Samantha Rutt

The Wading River Civic Association met on May 23 to discuss a significant new development – a proposed battery energy storage system facility, known as BESS, on LIPA-owned property in Shoreham. The meeting, held at the Wading River Congregational Church, attracted a large crowd interested in learning more about the project and its implications for the community.

After the business portion of the meeting, which covered new members, voting rules and general announcements, citizens’ attention turned to the proposal from Albany-based Key Capture Energy.

Key Capture Energy is an independent electricity producer engaged in the design of industrial-scale energy storage systems. “KCE currently operates three battery energy storage facilities in New York State – including its largest operational facility,” said Phil Denara, KCE’s director of development.

The company’s proposal isn’t the first to come across on Long Island, as other companies with similar goals have visited neighboring civic organizations and demonstrated their systems. Indeed, KCE has plans for facilities in Babylon and Cutchogue.

The increase in proposed battery energy storage facilities coincides with the Climate Leadership Protection Act, signed into law in 2019, which essentially mandates greenhouse gas emissions of up to 40% by 2030 and no less than 85% by 2050 compared to levels of 1990 also mandates that by 2040, 100% of the electricity used in New York State should come from clean energy sources and by 2030, 70% from renewable energy.

Origin of the project and choice of location

The discussion began by explaining the genesis of the project and the location selection process. The project was initiated to meet statewide energy storage goals as Long Island transitions from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. With local demand for around 5,000 megawatts of electricity, integrating storage systems with renewable energy such as offshore wind and solar is crucial.

“Here on Long Island, electricity demand is currently 5,000 megawatts, so as we move away from fossil fuels to renewables, we need to keep that number in mind,” Denara said.

As Denara explained at the meeting, in 2021 the Long Island Power Authority issued a competitive request for bids for bulk energy storage projects, seeking at least 175 MW of capacity. Developers are bidding on a variety of sites, including those offered by LIPA, which have been strategically located next to existing infrastructure to reduce the need for new developments. This facility was awarded in August 2022 and is currently moving from preliminary design to implementation.

Scope and possibilities of the project

The Shoreham BESS project is expected to have a capacity of 50MW, enough to power tens of thousands of homes.

While this represents just 1% of Long Island’s total energy demand, it plays a key role in the broader transition to renewable energy. There are currently only two full-scale BESS plants on Long Island, both 5 MW each, located in East Hampton and Montauk. The East Hampton facility has been closed since a fire on May 31, 2023.

Site details and development stages

The Shoreham facility is located on approximately 2.3 acres of land near the former Long Island Lighting Company property. The development included boundary surveys, geotechnical investigations and comprehensive environmental reviews.

There are three main development elements that need to be addressed for the project to be completed: land acquisition and permitting, grid interconnection, and commercial energy supply contracts. The site is exempt from the City of Brookhaven’s zoning requirements, although developers are voluntarily complying with those standards. To ensure transparency and community safety, local officials, including the city government and emergency services, were involved throughout the process.

Technological and security considerations

BESS will use advanced lithium-ion battery technology. An important point of discussion was the security of these systems. Lithium-ion batteries are selected for their high round-trip efficiency of approximately 90%, necessary for storing and transmitting renewable energy.

Paul Rogers of the Energy Security Response Group – made up of retired firefighters, maintenance workers, engineers and first responders responsible for following safety codes, standards and protocols – detailed the safety measures in place. These include multi-layer safety lists and comprehensive monitoring systems to prevent overcharging and overheating. The system is designed to ensure that in the unlikely event of a failure, the problem will remain within a single device, preventing it from spreading.

Community concerns and future technologies

Civil society members raised questions about the long-term viability and environmental impact of lithium-ion batteries. Some have suggested exploring alternative technologies such as sodium-ion batteries. While our current focus is on lithium-ion for its proven performance and safety, developers remain open to integrating future advancements.

The project is designed for a 20-year lifespan, with plans to recycle and reuse battery components at the end of their life cycle. This contributes to a circular supply chain, reducing dependence on international resources and increasing energy independence.

The Shoreham BESS facility is expected to become a key part of the local energy infrastructure, providing the community with greater reliability and sustainability.

The civic association plans to continue these discussions at future meetings, ensuring continued community engagement and transparency as the project progresses. The next civic meeting will be June 27 at 7:30 p.m. at Wading River Congregational Church.