
SM Supermalls works with the public and private sectors to combat online fraud

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The team encourages buyers to use the Be WAIS service in Magduda, which protects against fraud and extortion

In cooperation with several government agencies, support groups and Meta SM Supermalls has launched a pioneering initiative to strengthen consumer protection in the digital sphere, as part of the “Be WAIS in Magduda” campaign against fraud and fraud.

The launch event, held on May 11 at the SM Mall of Asia Music Hall, kicked off a collaborative effort led by advocacy groups Bayan Academy and CitizenWatch Philippines to raise awareness about the dangers of online fraud and equip consumers with tools to identify and avoid fraudulent activities common in the digital environment.

SM Supermalls reaffirmed the importance of the partnership in amplifying the campaign’s message. “SM’s collaboration with Meta, advocacy groups and the government sector is one of our efforts to create a digital space as safe as our physical malls, and we are proud to amplify the message of “Be WAIS” to protect Filipinos from online threats,” he said SM Supermalls Senior Vice President of Marketing Joaquin San Agustin.

SM SUPERMALLS. Joaquin San Agustin, SM Supermmals Senior Vice President of Marketing at the “Be WAIS at Magduda” launch event

The Philippines topped the list of online shopping fraud rates in the Asia Scam Report 2023, a survey conducted by the Global Anti-Scam Alliance in collaboration with Taiwanese technology security company Gogolook.

The multi-sector collaboration is a testament to their unwavering commitment to supporting digital security and protecting Filipino consumers from the ever-present threat of online fraud.

DEPARTMENT OF MIGRATION WORKERS. Secretary Hans Leo Cacdac at the launch of “Be WAIS at Magduda”.
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. Commissioner Bryant Fernandez at the launch event of the “Be WAIS at Magduda” project.
CITIZEN WATCH PHILIPPINES. Co-chair Convener Kit Belmonte at the “Be WAIS at Magduda” kick-off event.

The “Be WAIS with Magduda” campaign calls for vigilance and skepticism, and urges Filipinos to exercise caution and discernment when transacting online. Through strategic alliances and collaborative efforts, SM Supermalls is helping to transform the digital shopping landscape by creating a safe and trustworthy online ecosystem for all.

To learn more about SM Supermalls’ efforts and partnerships to promote consumer protection and well-being, visit or follow @SMSupermalls on social media. –