
New York’s Solar for All program can help you save on your electric bills

New York’s new solar program aims to spur the development of more solar projects while saving low-income households money on their electricity bills.

The state Public Service Commission (PSC) this month approved the Statewide Solar for All program, which combines a state utility-managed Energy Affordability Program (EAP) and a market-based community solar program and is intended to “effectively deliver clean energy savings for low-income households,” said Gov. Kathy Hochul.

“We are ensuring that more New Yorkers than ever before have access to clean solar energy so that we can build a healthy future,” Hochul said in a written statement Thursday. “The Statewide Solar for All program will generate significant benefits for our health, our environment, our economy and for thousands of New Yorkers who will see lower electricity bills.”

Here’s what you need to know about the program and how you can save.

How the program will work

Governor Kathy Hochul announced a new statewide Solar for All program that will help effectively deliver clean energy savings to low-income households.

EAP customers living in disadvantaged communities will receive electricity bill relief, i.e. savings on their electricity bill. The amount will be based on the number of solar projects covered by the program in each utility territory, said James Denn, public information officer for the Department of the Public Service.

Bill credits are generated as solar projects inject new energy into the grid – and will increase as more renewable energy projects come online.