
Bidenflation: Government Regulations Stifling American Manufacturing

We don’t hear about it enough, but the reality is that the Biden administration is crushing the economy in a different way. Simply put, they are called “government regulations.”

“Since 2005, businesses have been burdened with $2.7 trillion in additional costs from government regulations alone,” said political commentator Booker Scott. “You could think of it as hidden inflation from government overspending, and it really is.”

And if that wasn’t enough, it turns out that the Obama-Biden administration added $2.5 trillion of the $2.7 trillion in additional costs. Compare that to what happened under Donald Trump, and it was quite the opposite.

“The Trump administration has cut $159 billion in manufacturing costs,” Scott told KTRH, “And Joe Biden has added $1.6 trillion to American manufacturing so far.”

What if that’s not really bad enough? Joe Biden is expected to add $4.4 trillion in additional “regulations” next year, just for 2025.