
The Japanese government adopts a plan to strengthen policies for children

The Japanese government has adopted an action plan to strengthen its child policy. It includes measures to address the country’s falling birth rate and child poverty.

The government adopted the plan at its meeting on Friday. The plan sets out how children’s policies will be implemented over the next five years. The plan promotes approximately 400 activities aimed at providing comprehensive support from childhood to adulthood.

The government hopes to reverse the decline in birth rates by providing financial assistance. He wants to increase parental benefits, reduce the burdensome costs of post-secondary education and take other actions.

The plan calls for action to address child poverty and child suicide. It also includes helping children who are cared for by family members. Such children are called “young carers”.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio stated that he wanted the plan to be implemented systematically and its effectiveness examined. He also said that he wants officials to listen to the opinions of children and young people.