
Ara Ayvazyan: Those who disagree with government policy are called “Kremlin spies”

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ara Ayvazyan said that the thesis that Russia is the main threat to Armenian statehood is being actively implanted in Armenia.

Ara Ayvazyan said this in Moscow at a meeting of the Russian-Armenian Lazarev Club, TASS reports.

“If, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, until recently Russia was perceived as the only and non-alternative guarantor of the security of the Republic of Armenia, we are now witnessing a fundamental change in public perception. “The image of Russia is being implanted as the real cause of all our troubles, losses and humiliations and the main source of threats to our statehood and independence,” he said.

Ara Ayvazyan noted that those who do not agree with the policies of the current leadership are accused in Armenia of working for Moscow, “branded as Kremlin spies and agents of Moscow’s influence.”