
Code of conduct, safety rules during the Peace March – Information for civilians

Organizing and conducting a mass event is a huge challenge and responsibility, therefore the condition for a safe arrangement is compliance with and enforcement of certain rules of conduct that apply to everyone, as well as the limitation period and mandatory application of safety rules. Below are the rules for the Peace Procession.


Foundation for Civic Cooperation (1027 Budapest, Vitéz utca 5-7, (email address protected)” Organizer limit items and devices that may be brought into the MARCH PEACE 2024 area (“ Event you will find their list below). Visitors cannot enter the Event with restricted items. The event ends on June 1, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. and on June 1, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Compliance with the code of conduct is mandatory at the Event venue.

Security Service acting on behalf of the Organizer – CXXXIII of 2005 on the principles of protection of persons and property and private investigative activities. in accordance with § 26 section 1 letter a) – c) of the Act – is entitled to randomly check compliance with the above at the Event premises, to which the visitor is obliged to report.

The Organizer has the right to add anything to the list of items prohibited at the Event premises and determine how to check it within the framework of applicable legal provisions, information about which is provided at entry points, as well as in these regulations and in the information on personal data protection for visitors.


  • alcohol, drugs
  • pyrotechnic device
  • glass object, glass bottle, metal bottle
  • objects or devices containing explosive, toxic or flammable substances, firearms, stabbing, striking and cutting devices, other objects particularly dangerous to public safety
  • a drone or any remotely controlled device or toy
  • bicycle, scooter, scooter, roller skates, skateboard
  • live animal (except legally defined assistance and guide dogs)


  • the length of flag poles and sign poles and banners brought to the Event cannot exceed 1.5 meters, and their use cannot violate the regulations

A guest may be removed from the event area if:

  • The life, physical integrity and property rights of others; threatens the integrity of their property, the natural environment and disrupts the course of the Event
  • Displays defiantly anti-social, aggressive behavior that is likely to cause offense or distress to others, or otherwise exhibits behavior that would constitute grounds for police action
  • Calls on members of other social groups or otherwise arouses concern among the audience through aggressive behavior, otherwise violates the provisions of the Code of Conduct and applicable law
  • On behalf of the Organizer, if there are pyrotechnic devices and prohibited items specified by the Organizer on the Event Venue that are particularly dangerous to public safety, the owner of the facility will be asked to leave the premises if they are inside.
  • In justified cases, the perpetrator of the violation will be detained until the police take action

The Organizer may make audio and video recordings of the Event and uses a monitoring system for security purposes. Information on data protection regarding the handling of personal data of Event participants is available at the Information Point at the Event venue. The Visitor also acknowledges that other visitors and other third parties (e.g. representatives of the press) may also record the Event and people present at it, however, in the case of such recordings made by other visitors and third parties, due to the legality of the recording and use, these persons are solely responsible, the interested user may contact them to exercise his rights.

The Organizer is not responsible for items left at the Event or for other damages not attributable to it.

In case of questions or comments related to the Event, the interested person may contact the Organizer using the above contact details.
