
Environment | UK Regulatory Outlook for May 2024 – Osborne Clarke

Environmental Crime Directive published in the Official Journal | British forest risky goods program in the background | CSDDD receives the final votes

Environmental Crime Directive published in the Official Journal

The Environmental Crime Directive was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 30 April 2024 and entered into force on 20 May 2024. Member States are obliged to implement it by 21 May 2026 and publish a national strategy to combat environmental crime until May 21, 2027. More information about the changes introduced can be found in this article.

The UK’s forest risky goods program takes a backseat

Please refer to ESG.

CSDDD receives the final votes

Please refer to ESG.

Postponing European sustainability reporting standards

Please refer to ESG.

The European Parliament adopts its position on regulations regarding forced labor

Please see Modern Slavery.

The European Parliament adopts its position on the right to repair

Please see Products.

The European Parliament and the Council adopt a position on ecodesign for sustainable products

Please see Products.

The European Parliament adopts its position on the rules on packaging and packaging waste

Please see Products.