
Petition to maintain local control of large wind and solar farms failed to make it to 2024 ballot – Michigan State Capitol Confidential

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Lawyers will try again in 2026

A ballot initiative aimed at allowing local control of large wind and solar projects will not receive enough signatures to qualify for the 2024 ballot.

Citizens for Local Choice failed to meet its goal of collecting at least 356,958 valid signatures by May 29.

The petition drive began after Michigan Democrats, a political troika, passed bills in 2023 giving the state control over large wind and solar projects. The bill gives the Michigan Public Utilities Commission, a three-member body appointed by the governor, authority to certify solar and energy storage facilities between 50 and 100 megawatts.

Citizens for Local Choice said in a statement that “the election campaign involved thousands of volunteers across the state and issued tens of thousands of petitions for signatures to restore local control over large-scale wind and solar operations.”

“The campaign is strong and robust, and while we have not met the required signature threshold to qualify for the 2024 ballot, we will continue our ambitious efforts to take advantage of our legal 180-day window and work to secure a place on the ballot in 2026 “.

The MPSC authority supersedes local zoning laws under the 2023 law, meaning the state can pursue a renewable energy project even if the local government opposes it.

The Michigan Bureau of Agriculture praised the coalition’s goal.

“Michigan Farm Bureau continues to support restoring local decision-making for large-scale wind and solar operations,” Matt Kapp, government relations specialist for Michigan Farm Bureau, said in a statement. “Renewable energy projects have a major impact on rural communities, and our members believe that local leaders living in these areas are better equipped to make such decisions than unelected government officials.”

Michigan aims to meet all of its energy needs with renewable energy by 2050. As of 2022, 12% of electricity generated in Michigan came from renewable sources, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The state plans to increase its use of wind and solar energy, installations of which occupy much of the land and are likely to be located in rural areas of Michigan.

Michigan residents can petition to change the law or amend the state constitution. They must obtain enough valid signatures to place the question on the ballot, otherwise a majority of lawmakers will support the idea through legislation.

The Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council has approved the bill for 2023. “These critical siting reforms will help avoid higher energy costs for the average Michigan household while creating jobs and making our economy more competitive,” it posted on social media.

But Neil Sheridan, executive director of the Michigan Township Association, said local governments and residents should have the final say on whether to allow large-scale renewable energy projects.

“The Citizens for Local Choice ballot initiative is part of the MTA’s long-standing and firmly held belief in the essential need and value of local government and that residents and local officials have the final say on issues affecting their communities and quality of life.” Sheridan said in a statement. “The Association supports local authorities in locating utility-scale renewable energy facilities operated by local governments in Michigan. The MTA remains committed to resisting any efforts to wrest local control from our communities.”