
“Policy changes and the development of deep technology sectors are expected to boost domestic innovation and manufacturing.”

With the aim of supporting and nurturing the unique requirements of deep tech startups in India, the Government of India released a draft policy in July 2023 called the National Deep Tech Start-up Policy (NDTSP). The draft policy was strategically formulated to “stimulate innovation, boost economic growth and promote social development” through the effective use of innovations based on high-tech research. India’s deep tech vision has four key pillars: securing India’s economic future, advancing towards a knowledge economy, strengthening national capacity and sovereignty through the Atmanirbhar Bharat imperative, and encouraging ethical innovation. The policy will aim to provide a comprehensive framework to address the challenges faced by deep tech start-ups and provide definitive policy interventions to improve the ecosystem. Prof. Ajay Sood, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Government of India, spoke to BioSpectrum about the tools needed to shape India’s deep tech startup landscape and the role that NSTDP will play.

What are the key aspects required to grow and sustain the Indian deep tech sector?

Capacity building: Upskill the current generation and educate young minds by implementing appropriate curricula in educational institutions. Providing current employees with the opportunity to improve their qualifications through professional development courses.

Building capacity and attracting and retaining talented human resources by – introducing specialized courses, bridging the academic gap in the industry through guest lectures, mentoring programs and fostering collaboration between international and Indian universities.

Supporting research and development: Promote and financially support research in new fields, including basic research, applied research and translational research. This should be achieved through a combination of government subsidies and private sector investment.

Currently, research and development in India is mainly conducted by the government. Despite improving our Global Innovation Index (GII) ranking from 81 in 2014 to 40 in 2023, 2020 data shows that our global share of the total number of patents granted is only 2%. Increased industry participation in setting targets, providing financing, etc. will strengthen the R&D ecosystem and the incorporation of emerging technologies. A good example is the space sector, where modifications are aimed at increasing India’s share in the global space economy from the current 2 to 10 percent in the near future. The creation of IN-SPACe introduces the necessary regulatory measures to enable private sector participation in space activities.

Nurturing the country’s research, development and innovation ecosystem should be one of the overarching priorities for building a stronger foundation for future readiness in emerging fields of science and technology. Synergy of collaborative research among various stakeholders including academia, industry, central and state governments is also essential.

Regulatory framework and standards: It is extremely important to introduce favorable policies and regulations that encourage innovation and at the same time protect society from potential threats. For example, the growing needs and concerns around data privacy in AI applications in healthcare. For new and disruptive technologies, setting standards is important to meaningfully structure interactions between stakeholders. To provide a safe environment for testing functionality and potential threats, regulatory sandboxes are important. In setting standards for emerging science and technology fields in India, the involvement of international actors should be based on sectoral sensitivities and strategic implications.

Global cooperation: Science and technology (S&T) mandates are global endeavors and do not operate in isolation. By supporting collaboration with international partners, India can leverage expertise in adopting, developing and scaling technologies. This will pave the way for successful integration of emerging technologies into the R&D landscape, ensuring India’s future competitiveness.

Public involvement: Engaging society in discussions about the future of science and technology can help ensure that these developments are consistent with society’s values ​​and needs.

A stronger intellectual property rights (IPR) system. – To foster a climate of trust and encourage innovation by ensuring international protection for creators’ work, it is important to actively engage in discussions within global intellectual property conventions and strengthen cross-border intellectual property protection.

Addressing the patenting of new technologies and providing clear guidance for these emerging fields can encourage responsible innovation and attract investment in these critical sectors.

Can the development of a niche deep-tech sector in India’s biotech landscape help boost domestic production of cutting-edge technologies, novel drugs and therapies?

Quick answer: Yes. Over the last decade, the Indian biotechnology sector has witnessed significant growth in various aspects, including productivity, opportunities and market demand. This growth is visible in the increase in the number of biotechnology startups, which have increased from 50 in 2012 to over 6,000 today. Over the last decade, the bioeconomy has grown by $10 billion and is projected to exceed $100 billion by 2025.

India’s growing expertise in areas such as digital public infrastructure, advanced data analytics and ongoing technology mission programs such as artificial intelligence and quantum technology will further strengthen the capabilities of the biotechnology sector. India’s advanced digital capabilities can be leveraged to develop new drugs and therapies.

Moreover, India is making progress in developing a genomic dataset of indigenous populations and analyzing their microbiome, which will improve approaches to precision medicine and healthcare.

Currently, India imports about 80% of its medical equipment and devices. However, policy changes and the development of deep technology sectors are expected to reduce imports and boost domestic innovation and production.

How will the government want to strengthen the deep tech startup ecosystem, especially in the fields of life sciences and pharmaceuticals?

According to data from the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), there are over 1,17,000 startups in India in 2023, of which nearly 10,000 are in the deep technology sector. The proposed National Deep Tech Start-up Policy (currently in final approval) aims to encourage the integration of emerging technologies and support societal development through the effective use of research-based deep tech innovations.

Deep tech startups are distinguished by an extended gestation period compared to other startups. Among many key priorities specific to deep tech, the proposed national deep tech start-up policy aims to (a) facilitate access to diverse sources of capital, (b) establish and provide facilities for prototyping and product validation, (c) encouraging the public and private sectors to adopt indigenous deep technologies and d) creating an enabling regulatory environment for innovation to flourish.

NDTSP also aims to address the various challenges faced by deep tech startups across various sectors. These challenges vary in size depending on the sector, requiring non-standard interventions. Recognizing the distinct threats and opportunities in life sciences and pharma, a tailored approach is essential. Rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all strategy, interested agencies should implement sector-specific strategies to support innovation in these key areas.

When will the draft NDTSP policy become a reality?

The current draft NDTSP is effectively a stakeholder document containing comments received through various rounds of consultations and a public feedback mechanism. The policy is currently in the final stages of inter-ministerial consultations leading to the government approval process, coordinated by DPIIT. We expect this policy to be implemented as quickly as possible.

Shivani Thakar

[email protected]